Example sentences of "fling [pn reflx] into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He flung himself into athletics and , eventually became a top-flight international sprinter ; which is just as well , for , had he not realized his early promise , he would have been stuck in a sports shop with no qualifications — which would not have reflected what he considered his genuine educational aptitude .
2 Mr Yeltsin flung himself into preparations for a plebiscite to undercut the legislature 's power , amid fears that the country was descending into turmoil or even civil war .
3 But it came too late for him to do anything about it , for when he straightened up and turned towards the bank the bullet hit him in the chest and his body seemed to disintegrate and fly in all directions , and he knew that death was on him and that it was something that divided you into a million parts and each fragment screamed as it flung itself into eternity .
4 He has always worked hard to present himself as a rounded political being and flung himself into debates on law and public safety , the environment and unemployment .
5 He had meant to say a prayer of thanks for his escape and for his mercy , but all he did was to spread his arm protectively across the stone , and lie there breathing deeply , embracing his father , and as gratefully at rest as though he had flung himself into Master Harry 's living arms .
6 She flung herself into Matthew 's arms .
7 The gate to a tiny courtyard was open and , for an instant , Lindsey hung back , watching in rapt fascination as a dark-haired , slender figure came hurrying down the steps towards them , cloth in hand , and flung herself into Niall 's arms .
8 ‘ 'T WAS stamped with your father 's seal , and I just accepted it — and then flung myself into battle after battle , trying to forget you , never knowing why you continued to haunt me , until I thought you had betrayed me . ’
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