Example sentences of "ten o'clock [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The arm swing which pulls the club into the hitting area becomes the release action , the transition point being at about ten o'clock with the club shaft position , although this will obviously vary from player to player .
2 ‘ Do n't forget , ’ she reminded him , ‘ ten o'clock at the hospital .
3 At ten o'clock on a Sunday morning traffic was almost nonexistent , and as soon as Deirdre came into view Jacob began to cycle towards the bridge .
4 The Court , together with the Emperor , had moved to Saint Cloud for the summer and it was there , at ten o'clock on the morning of 5 July , that Ollivier as head of the Ministry , together with Gramont , the Foreign Minister , met the Emperor to decide on a suitable response to Prussian provocation .
5 By ten o'clock on the day of the party the ‘ table ’ was loaded with food .
6 At ten o'clock on the plate you 'll find Milano salami .
7 I 'll meet you on Monday morning at ten o'clock on the bridge just outside town .
8 My doorbell rang about ten o'clock on the Friday evening before Christmas .
9 You 've missed the day , and , you 've got Saturday then , th ferry back is ten o'clock on the Mo or whatever day , but the ferry back is at ten o'clock in the morning so you 've got to leave at eight o'clock .
10 Well you have n't even got that cos the sailing 's ten o'clock on the Sunday morning .
11 ‘ She 'll be up at ten o'clock before the Justice . ’
12 He considered that he gave Modigliani a fair deal : ‘ He came to my shop about ten o'clock in the morning .
13 But once you have unfolded an ordnance survey map and made the cheese and pickle sandwiches , it 's hard to change your mind , and so on a hot June day I set off up the zig-zagging tourist path from Glen Nevis at ten o'clock in the morning .
14 The TWA jet from New York landed at Dublin airport at just after ten o'clock in the morning .
15 Shortly before ten o'clock in the morning , the Angelina , almost slack-sailed and ghosting along under a Meltemi that hardly rated as a zephyr , tied up along the starboard side of the Ariadne .
16 In one Oxfordshire school in which I spent a day , I saw a nine year old begin a piece of descriptive writing at ten o'clock in the morning .
17 On 17 September , a Thursday , at about ten o'clock in the morning , the Collector found himself in conversation with the Padre .
18 We was there till six o'clock in the afternoon and it took us from the er ten o'clock in the morning , say about ten when we got there , it took us from ten till six to fire five rounds of ammunition because there was that many there and you had to wait your turn .
19 It was ten o'clock in the morning and the streets were almost deserted .
20 Mistakenly thinking it would do no harm to put her at her ease — she was a plain woman with the faintest smell of spirits on her breath even at ten o'clock in the morning — he had mentioned the interesting photographs hung on the stairway leading to the stalls .
21 The same thing applied to winter , we were very short of work , but instead of you ever being on the dole again , er you went in at ten o'clock in the morning .
22 Well I went to bed at er ten o'clock in the morning and I woke up at ten o'clock at night .
23 At ten o'clock in the morning a monster had ripped up the countryside , devastation littering its wake .
24 ‘ I 'm just intrigued as to why you should be dressed in clothes that are miles too big at — ’ she glanced at her watch ‘ — at ten o'clock in the morning .
25 One did not take to the brandy at ten o'clock in the morning !
26 Reception arrangements often went badly : a rural area expecting a few dozen docile grammar-school girls could find itself , at ten o'clock in the evening , invaded by a hundred resentful East End mothers with exhausted and fretful babies .
27 Well unless there are any other issues that people want to rai any other items people want to raise on this issue , I propose we close now , resume at ten o'clock in the morning , and we will go straight into matters , well matter two C , to look at the di criteria .
28 Today he describes the always dapper figure in the Burberry raincoat ( over sharply pressed grey trousers and a tweed sports jacket ) who would come at ten o'clock in the morning for his chats .
29 I mean it 's crazy , why do n't they have the conference time at ten o'clock in the morning , and have the conference and everybody go home at a decent time , it 's silly .
30 Well if I could choose I would go to bed at about two o'clock in the morning and get up at about ten o'clock in the morning .
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