Example sentences of "wait for a suitable " in BNC.

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1 In fact he had fully intended to wait for a suitable moonlit warm right , but the trying events of the day had put him so out of sorts that he could stand the waiting no longer .
2 Wait for a suitable moment and say : " That is a very interesting point you have raised , Mr R. , which we might wish to take up at a later meeting , but I really do n't think it helps our problem at the moment . "
3 Such an approach enables active work to go on at all times , including those when no change of placement is contemplated or during periods of waiting for a suitable placement to become available .
4 Should treatment be withheld and the available donor organs donated to ‘ more suitable ’ patients or should such ill patients be actively treated while waiting for a suitable donor organ , thus leading to a potential increase in the number of stable patients likely to deteriorate while awaiting ‘ elective ’ transplantation ?
5 Currently , with strong competition from many units throughout Europe for available organs , many patients similar to those described herein would die waiting for a suitable donor organ .
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