Example sentences of "shall see in the " in BNC.

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1 As we shall see in the next chapter , arriving at a balance between these two is often what drama educationalists are seeking .
2 The more heightened the form of that communication , as we shall see in the illustration that follows , the nearer the participant is to reaching the performance mode within dramatic playing .
3 Indeed , as we shall see in the final chapter , one of the principal skills a drama teacher requires is the ability to recognise the potential and suitability of each mode for the particular topic and the particular group and to recognise that the incipient performance mode in dramatic playing and the incipient dramatic playing mode in performance provide the means for an imperceptible movement between the two .
4 We shall see in the next chapter how carrying comparisons with living animals too far can result in curious and inaccurate pictures of the past .
5 As we shall see in the Russian case , it was a common phenomenon , echoing Marx 's description of Lafargue 's internationalism as merely a mechanism for absorbing all in a model French nation .
6 The results were not to be entirely bad , as we shall see in the next section .
7 Put in another way , the same smoothing recipe applied to different time series will produce different resulting shapes for the smooth , which , as we shall see in the next chapter , is not the case when fitting straight lines .
8 In either case , the line thus calculated is only a first approximation , and will be tuned up , as we shall see in the next section .
9 Rather than misdirecting attacks , they repel them altogether , as we shall see in the next chapter . .
10 One of those misled was Trotsky himself , who completely misread the real import of what Bukharin had written , as we shall see in the next chapter .
11 There is also evidence , as we have mentioned before and shall see in the next chapter , of the extensive use of air sacs in sauropods as cooling devices and for reducing mass .
12 Or — as we shall see in the next chapter — perhaps you have payoffs and hidden agendas which are keeping you stuck ?
13 As we shall see in the next chapter , there are those who believe that management have often adopted forms of work organisation which give rise to unsatisfying jobs because it is cheaper for them so to do .
14 It is the argument of Braverman and some other radicals ( though not of most of Braverman 's critics , as we shall see in the next chapter ) that within capitalism the inherently antagonistic relationship between capital and labour inevitably generates a ‘ low trust ’ relationship .
15 And Wordsworth was always concerned , as we shall see in the extract from The Prelude ( p. 134 ) , in keeping open communications with the important moments of his past , which are used to fortify the present .
16 We shall see in the next section that partly as a result of secularisation religion has become privatised and inward looking .
17 As we shall see in the next chapter these very high strengths are not in fact confined to glass fibres but can be got from almost any solid , glassy or crystalline .
18 As we shall see in the next chapter , in natural materials like wood , the long-chain molecules are arranged roughly parallel to the length of the tree , that is to say , more or less in the direction of the most important stresses .
19 As we shall see in the next chapter , the consequence of this stiffness is that timber has had to evolve a work of fracture mechanism which is quite different and a good deal more ingenious .
20 And as we shall see in the next chapter , a number of feminists would agree with them about that .
21 Romanticism has had an immensely powerful impact on the modern outlook , and we shall see in the next chapter how it fed into theology at the beginning of the nineteenth century .
22 As we shall see in the next chapter , their commercial urge to expand was not adequately disciplined by proper costing , though in this particular case the distortions caused were quite small .
23 Their assumption that this could be ignored , and the data assumed to be objective representations of crime and criminality , was to prove to be one of their greatest weaknesses , as we shall see in the next chapter .
24 Through the state is one answer , as we shall see in the next section .
25 As we shall see in the second part of this chapter , their conflict with the house of Foix was to become a dominant theme of the politics of south-west France .
26 The assumption that all groups in the ‘ not-men ’ class are identical with each other is so firmly rooted that , as we shall see in the fourth section , it is readily assumed even by modern libertarian thinkers that showing that , for example , some ground for distinguishing between men and women is false or irrelevant , immediately commits us to the view that the same ground is irrelevant in distinguishing men from children .
27 As we shall see in the discussion of evidence from Britain , opportunities for health , long life , security , educational success , fulfilment in work and political influence are all unequally distributed in systematic ways .
28 As we shall see in the later sections of this chapter , contemporary theories of comprehension give great weight to the way in which information is integrated between sentences .
29 As we shall see in the chapter on sleep problems , sometimes the " insomniacs " complaining of never sleeping are in fact , by psychophysiological criteria , achieving normal amounts of sleep , but their experience is that of staying awake .
30 Freud himself did n't think that dreaming preserved sanity — on the contrary , as we shall see in the next chapter , the Freudian view was that the function of dreaming was to allow sleep to continue uninterrupted , despite a number of unacceptable ideas being expressed .
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