Example sentences of "shall see [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 As we shall see later in this chapter , the case for the status quo is perhaps too general and too romantic in its assessment of the value of the existing structures .
2 How deep the problem goes we shall see later in this chapter .
3 As we shall see later in this essay , however , there is a definite , and what at first sight may appear to be surprising , degree of isomorphism between the two perspectives .
4 Although rural housing , as we shall see later in this chapter , has never been in plentiful supply , the newcomers provide an easy scapegoat for the otherwise ‘ hidden hand ’ of the housing market .
5 In the intervening years the environmental lobby has probably gathered a broader basis of support , although , as we shall see later in this chapter , the values which are upheld are often more sectional than many environmentalists might suppose .
6 By definition , of course , work employing the concept of the variable is quantitative ; but as we shall see later in this chapter , much interesting work on syntactic variation ( by Sankoff and others ) is qualitative , or a mixture of qualitative and quantitative approaches .
7 We shall see later in Part II that this decline of manufacturing employment was closely identified with the heavy growth of unemployment in the 1980s , and with its concentration in most industrial towns and cities outside the South East , places which typically had rates of unemployment of 14 to 20 per cent .
8 In this sense they function as ‘ banks ’ even though , as we shall see later in this section , they differ in numerous respects .
9 ( Usually the JOIN operator is more appropriate , as we shall see later in this section . )
10 But these considerations which , as we shall see later in this book , are of the utmost significance for our principal theme , also touch on a paradox to which the reader 's attention must be drawn .
11 As we shall see later in the chapter , however , there is a potential conflict between using interest rates to control the demand for money and using them also to control the exchange rate .
12 This is a very important consideration , for , as we shall see shortly in the discussion of the marketing mix , there are certain key issues , such as pricing , which have to be considered and agreed on a shared basis .
13 We shall see repeatedly in what follows that polysyllables are particularly resistant to change and that a following sonorant + voiceless obstruent is also relatively resistant .
14 The lack of a single authoritative constitutional document means that it is relatively difficult to point to breaches of the constitution by British governments , although it is by no means impossible , as we shall see below in cases involving national security .
15 And further on we shall see how in a somewhat similar way society substitutes one undertaker for another who is less efficient in proportion to his charges .
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