Example sentences of "walk around with [art] " in BNC.

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1 I have a feeling now , as if I 'm walking around with a sign on my back saying ‘ Kick me ’ , or ‘ I 'm a prat ’ , the sort of horrible joke kids play on each other , because I feel as though that 's exactly how people treat me .
2 I was walking around with a camera and binoculars right on top of their nuclear silos .
3 I was just walking around with a huge grin on my face .
4 I mean you see them walking around particularly people who go for the big dogs , you see them walking around with a big thick necks , the tattoos , the er the boots and the jeans rolled up .
5 Now if he did n't shave his hair off and he was walking around with a rim round the side of his head
6 Ian said he spent the whole day walking around with a daft grin on his face .
7 walking around with a chip on his shoulder .
8 my dad like in South Africa my dad was telling me , when they went out at night , yeah , like if they were going to a restaurant he 'd take a kni he 'd take his gun with him and keep , it 's fucking odd man like my dad walking around with a nine millimetre strapped to his
9 And I just said , I 'm not walking around with a hundred and fifty quids worth of money .
10 They moved into a flat in Bellevue Crescent , had a dog ( called ‘ Badger ’ , like the family dog in the book ) and wore moth eaten fur coats , walking around with the dog on a piece of string , rolling their own cigarettes ( a habit which has stuck ) and spending hours in the pub drinking scrumpy .
11 If you practised walking around with the model in the hover , you should have got the hang of this already .
12 . Walk around with the whole bloody classroom .
13 All they need to do is write a song about a hotel and , er , walk around with an armful of very long fish indeed , and America is theirs .
14 He walked around with a portfolio under one arm and a folding campstool under the other , his head held to one side in a manner considered odd .
15 He eventually got the girl to agree to a date and walked around with an idiot smile on his face for the few weeks beforehand .
16 I ca n't walk around with a costume full of water and not spill it all over the carpeting … ’
17 She 's a clumsy clogs that 's why I wo n't let her walk around with the baby if she wants to cuddle her I tell her to sit down and I tell her not to move well she 's always tripping over her feet .
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