Example sentences of "stop for [art] moment " in BNC.

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1 They stood there , breathless , as the steps came nearer , stopped for a moment outside then turned up the corridor .
2 The clerk stopped for a moment and whispered to Mr Albert , who , realizing that instead of selling a pair of jeans he really had a customer with money to spend , hurried towards Hank .
3 Above them , the tiny figure crawling along the top of a pipe stopped for a moment , and then continued .
4 Suddenly he noticed how pale I was , and stopped for a moment to let me get my breath back .
5 The bachelor stopped for a moment , while the children 's imaginations took in these wonderful pictures .
6 At the foot of the steps Lan stopped for a moment to turn and stare back at Joseph .
7 With a jolt of excitement , as if his heart has stopped for a moment , his mind leaps to the image of a pyramid-shaped mountain .
8 The singing of the birds stopped for a moment , and then started again .
9 Then , just as if the world had frozen and stopped for a moment , she saw the woman in the driving seat , face white , eyes glassy with shock , the mouth stretched in a grimace which looked like terror .
10 She stopped for a moment and took a deep breath before checking the next crate .
11 He stopped for a moment , the crumpled sheet of prescription pad on his knee , and wondered whether Donald was really worth all this effort .
12 They were both astonished and Lomas stopped for a moment to stare at the floor .
13 The flat Polish landscape stretched away into the marshes to the south-east , and I stopped for a moment and stared towards them .
14 He stopped for a moment and looked around for Zach .
15 He stopped for a moment and gazed about him .
16 He stopped for a moment , turning over a new possibility .
17 Mr Bumble stopped for a moment , amazed and even rather frightened by this change in Oliver .
18 It stopped for a moment , then went quietly into the long grass and disappeared for ever .
19 When he stopped for a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow , Trung laid a cautionary hand on his arm .
20 It bothered him to let her go like this , but she 'd insisted ; for a while he could n't see her at all , until she reached the skyline and stopped for a moment .
21 She took her notepad from the pocket of her apron as she went , and at the doorway she stopped for a moment as if to gather herself .
22 She stopped for a moment , and put her shoes back on for walking on the hard tarmac .
23 At the door he stopped for a moment and looked back , but then he turned and went out without another word .
24 She stopped for a moment , as if the basket were overburdening her , and put it down .
25 She stopped for a moment to brush the dust from her hands and clothes and set off back to the house .
26 She stopped for a moment , and gazed at it with pleasure , and saw how huge it was , surging against the rocks with far more power and energy than it had in the shelter of the estuary , flinging plumes of spray about in a reckless manner and dragging back to gather itself for the next rush forward .
27 How dare you patronize me , how dare you flaunt yourself at me when you know — ’ he stopped for a moment and shook his head .
28 A glint of bright intelligence appeared in Cyril Causeley 's eyes as he stopped for a moment in his upward progress , and looked down at Greg : ‘ Ah , well — in this business you have to see the way the wind is blowing .
29 She stopped for a moment to get her bearings .
30 He stopped for a moment , deep in thought .
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