Example sentences of "read about in the " in BNC.

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1 Half the decisions I read about in the newspapers . ’
2 I am writing to you for information about the kind of courses I read about in the article on the Features Page of last week 's Daily Telegraph which gave the address of your organization .
3 Most awards tend to be hundreds of pounds rather than the tens of thousands in private compensation you read about in the papers — but as Victim Support director Helen Reeves ( pictured above ) points out : ‘ Compensation is an important way of acknowledging that such crime is not acceptable .
4 The men and women we read about in the Bible have aspirations and failings with which we easily identify , and even the heroes of Scripture are displayed in the cold light of truth .
5 The didactic works which the nobility used to educate their children stressed , in the words of the Burgundian , Ghillebert de Lannoy ( himself a nobleman ) , the obligation to ‘ expose themselves to death for the good of the land ’ , an ideal which many would have been able to read about in the works of classical authors such as Valerius Maximus , Livy and Caesar .
6 Licensed dealers still deal in certain shares the punter reads about in the tip sheets .
7 As I was saying earlier , paper qualifications can not guarantee to exclude the kind of evil that we have been reading about in the past few weeks .
8 Events seen on the television the might before , or read about in the day 's newspaper , or relayed as they happen to police stations throughout the province over the MSX machine , naturally facilitate talk on sensitive topics or cam be used as contextually related props to achieve the same end .
9 When you 're having another one of those parties I read about in the Sport .
10 But prior to that … all the famous disappearances you 've read about in the Sunday tabloids are all part of the same phenomenon .
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