Example sentences of "themselves [prep] [art] role " in BNC.

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1 They had also put themselves into the role of mediators , if anyone wanted to use them .
2 General Galtieri 's release underlines the fact that the Argentine armed forces may have learned nothing and forgotten nothing , but , by dint of constant pressure on Argentina 's elected leaders , they have moved closer to their goal of rewriting history with themselves in the role of hero .
3 The division between labour and capital was therefore a nationalist and ethnic one rather than a class one , even though Zuwaya cast themselves in the role of capitalist entrepreneurs , for example when they defended free markets against state-controlled ones .
4 The people which only a few years previously had committed brutal genocide and waged a terrible war of destruction suddenly found themselves in the role of the great advocate of justice .
5 Another potential problem for patients is that they find themselves in the role of information-giver , and it is often information of a very personal nature .
6 In the years leading up to retirement and after , women often find themselves in the role of carer , looking after an aged partner or ailing parents and other relations , or in certain situations , adult children .
7 There are many reasons why an increasing number of people , men as well as women , find themselves in the role of home nurse nowadays .
8 Agencies who intervene are in danger of finding themselves in the role of persecutors !
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