Example sentences of "itself [prep] [art] position " in BNC.

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1 However , the group managed to put itself into a position to take advantage of the surge in bookings which followed the ending of the Gulf war last year and the demise of International Leisure Group .
2 If the weaker goat gets itself into a position from which it can not escape , it may be gored , and indeed may be killed .
3 As it was , however , the US was slowly , and not too slowly , getting itself into a position where its responsibilities tended to supplant rather than complement those of the French : and this was something which at least had to be offset against all the delays that would ensue in European rearmament .
4 The principle which underlay the concept of Jubilee , ( that all land alienated during the preceding fifty years was to be returned to its original owner or his descendants ) was that each family should not find itself in a position in which it was permanently barred from owning land , the vital productive asset in that economy .
5 Uniplex is putting itself in a position to do that internally with the acquisition three weeks ago of IMI Consulting , a $2.3m Connecticut-based subsidiary of Uniplex 's $1,500m parent company IMI Plc specialised in downsizing , gateways , SNA and big computing environments .
6 Uniplex is putting itself in a position to do that internally with the acquisition three weeks ago of IMI Consulting , a $2.3m Connecticut-based subsidiary of Uniplex 's $1,500m parent company IMI plc specialised in downsizing , gateways , SNA and big IT environments .
7 the no conflict rule — a conglomerate owes a duty as fiduciary to avoid putting itself in a position where its own interests conflict with that of its clients ;
8 a duty of undivided loyalty — although the exact extent of this duty is uncertain , it may be argued that a conglomerate , when acting as a fiduciary , must not place itself in a position where its duty to one client conflicts with that of another client .
9 It is clear then , that a multi-service firm can easily find itself in a position where the duties it owes come into conflict .
10 For example , a conglomerate in receipt of inside information from an issuer of publicly traded securities may find itself in a position where actual compliance with its disclosure obligations to its retail customers ( ie. , those who wish to buy shares ) in accordance with the equitable principle of undivided loyalty causes it to be liable in an action for breach of confidence to its corporate clients , and guilty of tipping in violation of anti-insider dealing laws .
11 The creditor will often find itself in a position of having to explain the security transaction to the proposed surety if an unimpeachable security is to be obtained .
12 In a case of the class I have been considering , the creditor will often , I think , find itself in a position of having to explain the security transaction to the proposed surety if an unimpeachable security is to be obtained .
13 If McAlpine finds itself in a position to proceed to Stage II of the IDO registration procedure , i.e. the drawing up and presentation of a Plan of Operations , the Consortium will have to consider the following :
14 I would not wish the Council to find itself in a position in which it felt obliged to oppose the franchising arrangements as a result of your published views as to future developments which might emerge from the franchising scheme . ’
15 2.1.3 " surveyors " means ( Surveyors ) of ( address ) or such other firm of Surveyors previously approved in writing by the Landlord [ such approval not to be unreasonably withheld [ or delayed ] ] as the Tenant may from time to time appoint to perform the functions of the Surveyors under this Agreement It would be foolhardy for the tenant to put itself in a position whereby the landlord must approve the identity of its surveyors .
16 For the Conservative party which is in essence a party of power , huge historic perspective , huge experience of power , ever to get itself in a position where it 's perceived to be struggling to the point of self destruction , would have its political consequences and they would be dire .
17 If I had been standing I could have put it in my personal manifesto that I was a sabbatarian but when the Party committed itself to that , it was placing itself in the position of a church . ’
18 The court was influenced by evidence pointing to the fact that the defendants had been negligent and it was stated that had steps been taken to mitigate the nuisance , the Council would not have found itself in the position it was now in .
19 In this reading of things , each bureaucracy has become adept at marking out turf and advancing its own interests , whilst the Party-State leadership finds itself in the position of ‘ broker ’ between contending interests and ‘ constituencies ’ .
20 It is not quite the status of an accredited representative , but at least the door will not be shut in the face of any State which finds itself in the position that we and the Germans did in the early 1970s .
21 Once again the country which complained most about the policy was Britain , which found itself in the position of being a ‘ net contributor ’ to the EC after 1973 , paying far more into the EC than it received back .
22 My hon. Friend would then understandably say , ’ How does it come about , then , that North Devon health authority finds itself in the position that it does on this referral ? ’
23 The test now embodied in the UCTA is thus a hypothetical test , which requires the court to put itself in the position of the parties as they were ( and with the state of knowledge which they had ) at the time when the contract was made .
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