Example sentences of "include [prep] the analysis " in BNC.

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1 Such variables may be particularly relevant when data from the interwar period ( when both unemployment and mortality rates were high ) are included in the analysis .
2 However , if due allowance is given for the provision of free or low-cost ground tuition provided in the UK , the range should probably be increased by about £5 per hour to £53–£66 per hour , which covers about two-thirds of those establishments included in the analysis .
3 In such a case , providing the conditions required by the [ draft ] FRS are met , the debt would be included in the analysis of the maturity of debt as falling due between two and five years .
4 Only taxa with complete 16S rDNA sequences were included in the analysis .
5 Of the 24 patients who fulfilled the entry criteria , six were unable to comply with the exigencies of the protocol and did not complete the run in period and one patient was later found to be misusing drugs and her data were not included in the analysis .
6 The authors conclude that it is more likely that many other factors should also be included in the analysis such as motivation , nicotine dependence , personality type , self-efficacy , therapeutic support , etc , which act together in a complex way and would substantially increase the explained variance of smoking cessation .
7 However , the question is included in the analysis presented here as a broad overall indicator of how older people feel about their general health status .
8 All cases , including out migrants , were followed up in 1989 , and deaths were included in the analysis .
9 All young hypertensives , currently treated or untreated with antihypertensive drugs , were included in the analysis and are included in the results on an intention to treat basis .
10 When stroke was considered alone there was merely a trend favouring the surgical group ; this trend disappeared when perioperative deaths and three strokes associated with arteriography were included in the analysis .
11 Among all 9760 subjects included in the analysis those with periodontitis had a 25% increased risk of coronary heart disease relative to those with minimal periodontal disease .
12 Seventy-eight per cent of IT Advanced Course students included in the analysis were completing conversion courses in 1984 : 22 per cent were specialists .
13 The additional complication of damping.dependent oscillation frequency is included in the analysis by Lawrenson and Kingham ( 1977 ) .
14 Subsequent to the analysis by teachers of the four most popular titles , with the exception of Animal Farm , the writer completed a checklist for each of the remaining eighteen texts so that all twenty-two class readers in use in four or more of the schools were included in the analysis .
15 Despite the criticisms that can be made of Etzioni 's methodology it is valuable in identifying different types of organizational power and relating these to other organizational characteristics , including not only efficiency but also the types of members , clients , customers and other ‘ participants ’ that Etzioni felt should be included in the analysis of an organization 's existence .
16 The risks of competitive bidding need to be included in the analysis when it is well-known that genuine bids are difficult to detect , so that large multinationals can make ‘ loss-leader ’ bids to exclude local firms , as in the case of refuse collection in the United States , and ‘ performance contractors ’ for US school districts can leak ‘ their ’ students the examination questions to improve the firm 's success rate ( R. Goodwin 1982 ) .
17 They were , however , included in the analysis because , being monozygotic , these twins are genetically identical with those who ultimately developed inflammatory bowel disease .
18 These two patients have not been included in the analysis of cholangiocarcinomas in the two groups .
19 Only contractions greater than 5 mm Hg were included in the analysis .
20 Before the second operation all examinations except 24 hour pH measurements and radionuclide transit were repeated and the results are included in the analysis of the subgroup with defective fundic wrap .
21 Two hundred and six patients in all were enrolled , and 159 patients were included in the analysis , according to protocol , sufficient to show that fluticasone propionate was no more than 18% inferior to prednisolone .
22 Any waves with amplitudes greater or equal to 20 mm Hg were included in the analysis .
23 When alkaline phosphatase was included in the analysis instead of bilirubin , only mean corpusculor volume and hypoalbuminaemia showed a significant association with laminin .
24 Only those patients who completed at least six months of follow up after adequate initial dilatation are included in the analysis of the long term results .
25 Data from the patients who withdrew were included in the analysis up to the point of withdrawal .
26 If the normal U-shaped average cost curve is included in the analysis — as it is in Figure 5.8 — certain rather disturbing possibilities are opened up .
27 Around 650 responses of this kind were received in time to be included in the analysis .
28 The report added that the study had only considered 35-64 year-olds , and that " the estimated effect would increase dramatically if older age groups were included in the analysis " .
29 Enthalpy ( ΔH ) versus entropy ( ΔS ) for the formation of DNA hairpin loops ( data from Antao & Tinoco [ 24 ] ) ; sequences included in the analysis were GATC(NNNN)GATC ( illustrated ) , GGAG(NNNN)CTCC , and GGAC(NNNN)GTCC .
30 To compare expression levels , brain RNA from transgenic line 6 ( designated Tg-300 B ) carrying the -300bp deletion ( see figure 5 ) was included in the analysis .
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