Example sentences of "money pay [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The plan that produces the least CO 2 costs less than simply letting market forces prevail , because its high level of energy efficiency saves enough money to pay for the investment needed to switch to biomass production .
2 The injustice to the home-owner is sometimes made worse by the fact that very often he has n't the money to pay for the repairs and has to borrow from the bank in order to pay the bill .
3 Because there is no money to pay for the extra care and maintenance staff , janitors , and others , who would be required to make greater use of the facilities at night or at week-ends .
4 Has the board raised the money to pay for the reinstallation ?
5 he 's retired , but he 's , he 's been quite busy with this Festival , but I , I said to him , now what I 'll do is maybe come and you and him and Jane maybe kind of will just sort of have a quick confab sometime just talk about what he wants , and he will be kind of happy to do that with obviously we 'd have to find a drop of money to pay for the tapes , I mean that would n't be huge and expensive .
6 If local authority members are responsible for providing services but do not have to go to their own electorate to raise the money to pay for the services , they have less incentive to make effective use of these funds .
7 She had been working in Poole as a trading standards officer and has moved to London to earn more money to pay for the venture .
8 Even the argument that there was not enough money to pay for the programme soon dissolved when heritage languages were actually seen to help immigrant students succeed in other subjects .
9 Does the Minister agree that when individuals have raised money to pay for the offshore survival course , it is disgraceful that they should be denied unemployment benefit on the basis that they are unavailable for work while they are on the training course ?
10 Following DPP v Ray , above , a person who goes into a restaurant and orders a meal implies that he has money to pay for the meal .
11 How do you get the money to pay for the bus fares ?
12 As a matter of practice , moneys paid into the account would be transferred from it to the account in Scotland if not immediately , then certainly within a matter of days , for amalgamation with the general fund .
13 Accordingly , there is no possibility that any moneys paid into the account by Barclays Bank Plc. or Kleinwort Benson Ltd. would still be there now , the last payments made by those parties pursuant to the interest rate swaps transactions having been made in September 1989 and September 1987 respectively .
14 The acquirer will want to examine carefully what costs and fees are proposed to be paid by the target since , if there is no adjustment to net assets at completion , moneys paid by the target will effectively have been paid by the acquirer .
15 In the forests of Dean , Windsor and Clarendon the wardens took the pannage dues , and in Cannock , Sherwood and Inglewood Forests they had the profits of after-pannage — that is , money paid for the agistment of pigs in the king 's demesne woods after 11 November .
16 In this society where women hold the ultimate responsibility for the welfare of children , it is vital that money paid for the children is paid to the mother on that basis alone , in order to avoid real hardship particularly in times of crisis .
17 An order requiring the third , fourth and fifth defendants , who were not parties to any Euramco transaction and who did not receive anything under any Euramco transaction , to repay the investors the money paid for the Euramco shares , is , he submits , a compensatory order , not a restitutionary one .
18 The money paid for the headstone and Mr and Mrs McDermott 's appreciation is obvious in the inscription at the bottom which reads : ‘ Donated by the people of Northern Ireland ’ .
19 A small number of people were happy to have their money paid into the bank , but opposed the scheme because of the threat to Post Offices and inconvenience to others .
20 This example of a major deal outlines the money paid to the artist as advances for a seven-album , world-wide deal , with recording and video costs recoupable .
21 I should record that Woolwich also sought recovery of the money paid to the revenue on the alternative ground of compulsion .
22 Accordingly I consider that Glidewell and Butler-Sloss L.JJ. were right to conclude that money paid to the revenue pursuant to a demand which was ultra vires can be recovered as money had and received .
23 The impression of IBM Corp , Digital Equipment Corp and their ilk lining up like lambs to the slaughter may seem hard to credit for customers that have been driven to accept very hard bargains , but that is what appears to be happening with this Gadarene rush by the major manufacturers to get into the facilities management business in the US : we understand that many of the savings and loans , banks and securities houses that have gratefully accepted offers by the majors to run their data processing operations for them has little to do with saving money over the term of the contract , much to do with their urgent need for cash upfront to repair their ravaged balance sheets — the key attraction of the deals being the money paid at the start of the contract for the data processing facilities ; if the customers are in that much need of cash , chances are that many of them wo n't be around in five or seven years ' time , so that having spent good money for computers they do n't need , the facilities managers will be left with idle installations and contracts with no residual value .
24 Although this stream seems subsequently to have run into the sand , I find the approach attractive : money paid on the footing that there is a legal demand is paid for a reason that does not exist if that demand is a nullity .
25 Raym. 742 in which it was held that indebitatus assumpsit lay for money paid under the sentence of a court which had no jurisdiction .
26 There is no allegation that any part of the money paid by the investors for the Euramco shares was paid to or received by the solicitors .
27 Can an order for repayment to an investor of money paid by the investor pursuant to an investment transaction induced by a contravention of section 47 be described as an order to take steps to remedy the contravention ?
28 Money paid by the defendant is appropriated first to reducing the principal debt and then towards the interest .
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