Example sentences of "talk [prep] the need " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to talk about the needs for and the potential benefits of an industrial strategy and then I 'd like to tell you how the employers view trades unions today .
2 There was a pause ; the Health chairman began to talk about the need for hospitals near roads ; accidents would happen , victims would need care .
3 Er now I I would expect , I do n't know whether it 's worth talking about the general principle that we 're talking about different routes here and as i understand , the purpose today was to talk about the need for relief roads and I would expect at some future date , at a public enquiry when er I 'm defending er the outer blue er the outer northern route , to defend why that was chosen as opposed to an inner northern route and not rely upon the key diagram in the structure plan and the stars that are shown on there .
4 Erich Honecker , the country 's 77-year-old leader , continued only to talk of the need for ‘ the further development of socialism ’ , in his speech in the Palace of the Republic .
5 One of America 's first reactions was to talk of the need the Gulf states would have for ‘ additional security ’ .
6 Server enforced integrity , we 've already talked about the need for holding the business rules in a central repository with the data to protect that information but also to allow you to control the overall client server architecture much more tightly .
7 THE Tory politicians have talked about the need for action on the drift-netting problem but achieved nothing for , as is par for Westminster course , when they say something they delude themselves into believing that they have done something .
8 When the Home Secretary talked of the need for the Government to give a lead in tackling racial disadvantage he therefore saw this as in issue for the longer term .
9 NATO strategists talked of the need for a ‘ flexible response ’ and of the possibility of a ‘ limited ’ nuclear war ; translated into the ordinary language of British voters , this seemed to many to amount to a willingness to contemplate nuclear war restricted to European soil .
10 Gordon Brown used it when he talked about the need for an industrial policy .
11 Previously we talked about the need to want your goal — whatever that goal might be — badly enough .
12 We also talked about the need to be able to control this vastly more complex new environment as if we were controlling a mainframe .
13 In Committee we talked about the needs of women returning home late at night and of the problems encountered by mothers with young children transferring from one mode of transport to another .
14 Western managers talk about the need for firms to pay attention not just to shareholders but also to other ‘ stakeholders ’ such as customers , suppliers , employees and neighbours .
15 It is almost unique to hear a Minister — particularly , perhaps , the Under-Secretary of State for Education and Science — talk about the need for consultation .
16 He talked of the need for an economic policy as well as a tax policy ; he reintroduced the notion of full employment into Labour 's vocabulary ; and he stressed that workers needed not just rights , but also the opportunity to become wealth producers .
17 Lord King , the BA Chairman , talked of the need to create an airline which was ‘ capable of taking on the world ’ in an increasingly ‘ global market place ’ ( refer to Table 2.2 ) .
18 The dictator 's successors , led by Georgi Malenkov , talked of the need to resolve East-West differences and there were signs of a relaxation in tension , not least with the end of the Korean war in July .
19 Like Schuman and Italy 's Alcide de Gasperi , Adenauer was a Christian Democrat who talked of the need to protect Western Europe 's Romano-Christian culture from the ‘ barbarism ’ of the East .
20 The right wing of the party took this to heart : Gaitskell talked of the need to shed Labour 's ‘ cloth cap ’ image and attempted to ditch the famous clause four of the party constitution , the charter for nationalisation , as an electoral liability .
21 The Declaration also talked of the need for sound economic management , the free flow of trade and the active participation of " a thriving private sector " .
22 For the cabinet as a whole , though , talking about the need to replace or reform the poll tax proved easier than finally deciding on its replacement .
23 People have been talking about the need for a ‘ killer application ’ and this is it . ’
24 Another relatively uncontaminated provincial leader , Li Ruihuan , is now talking about the need for unity .
25 While talking about the need to keep security , control and justice in ‘ balance ’ , Woolf appeared to emphasize the importance of justice , and the imbalance he was most concerned about was the prospect of security and control measures exacerbating prisoners ' sense of injustice .
26 ‘ John Major has been consistently talking about the need to keep wages down so we did n't expect a pay award twice the level of inflation . ’
27 What makes it so special is the people who live and work there , who do n't just talk about the need for alternative technologies , or even just demonstrate workable alternatives but actually live by them .
28 It talks about the need .
29 It talks of the need to succeed where Adolf Hitler failed , and refers to a ‘ well-known Oxford University zoologist Dr John Baker ’ who argues in favour of racial purity .
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