Example sentences of "appear around the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The guide should now appear around the end of this month .
2 I knew no other way to learn technique , so I kept on trying to do what she told me , hoping for the best , hoping that my true voice would appear around the corner .
3 Carefully reposition the bridge and press firmly until a small bead of glue appears around the edge .
4 Acne in adolescents often appears around the age of 12 or 13 in girls and about 16 in boys , and it peaks at 17–18 in girls and 19 in boys , who suffer more acutely .
5 Sometimes in country districts a pool will take on a purplish tinge , a curious slimy jelly appears around the perimeter , and the fish and plants start to die .
6 Posters have appeared around the city giving the wrong date , time , and place , and the central committee secretariat has written to every Communist Party organisation in the country criticising the Union of Democratic Forces .
7 A woman 's face appeared around the door .
8 After the death of Augustus the style became less restrictive ; pincurls appeared around the brow , and locks of hair escaped the bun , which grew longer and tail-shaped .
9 The groom 's party — green-turbanned farmers from Haryana — appeared around the corner of the lane and formed a circle outside the entrance of the house .
10 She held her breath as the road widened slightly , and with a roar the Aston Martin shot forward , only just reaching the safety of the road ahead before a black saloon appeared around the corner .
11 She had sprinted over the drive and was halfway across the stone-flagged terrace when a figure appeared around the corner of the house .
12 She swept back a handful of Lucy 's hair and pinned it up , first on one side and then on the other ; but before she 'd reached for the scissors to begin , Charlie 's face appeared around the doorway .
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