Example sentences of "appear [prep] the door " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ Lord Mayor ’ and his ‘ Lady ’ appear at the door of the Forrester 's Arms and climb into the trap which is waiting at the door .
2 But even the milkman 's timing ca n't compare with those supremos who have perfected the art of appearing at the door at the most irritating time possible — the Jehovah Witnesses .
3 ‘ And this is his grandson in his livery , ’ said George , appearing at the door with all the pleasure of an actor dead on cue .
4 Someone moves behind the glass , waves ; the hunchback appears through the door , she is pulling the wheelchair down the step .
5 Bill Saltman 's head appears round the door , with fingers of wet hair hanging over his leathery brown forehead .
6 Then she appears round the door .
7 Andrew appears at the door .
8 An elegant and weary young woman appears at the door , dressed in a short maroon cocktail dress , her eyes slightly smudged by old pencil , her hair loose about her shoulders .
9 After he had reached home , two men in police uniforms had appeared at the door , waved a piece of paper which they said was a warrant for his arrest .
10 The slow fuse uncoiled like a snake , the assassin pulling it slowly across the floor until the end appeared under the door .
11 A gruff baritone ‘ Malcolm ! ’ broke the spell as Dad 's head appeared round the door and jerked a ‘ Come here ’ in Malc 's direction .
12 A pale face appeared at the door .
13 Gilly nearly tripped over herself , leaping down and grabbing up ‘ Sarsaparilla to Sorcery ’ from the chair seat , stretching her guts out to tip the book into its place on the shelf as Trotter appeared at the door .
14 Not long after they got back to Wilcox 's office , Brian Everthorpe appeared at the door .
15 The maid who had admitted Albert McKillop appeared at the door almost immediately .
16 She held it with one hand while the other went to her throat , as Nellie 's face appeared at the door .
17 Tom appeared at the door with a lamp and Sammy began to crawl through his legs .
18 A big grin appeared at the door , followed by the rest of Nigel , his trousers sodden to the waistband .
19 An anxious young face disappeared from the window as their car drew up and parked under the dripping trees , but it was the Brigadier himself who appeared at the door to meet them .
20 There now appeared at the door of the house a young woman , and she called in a high voice , ‘ Children !
21 At this point Sally also appeared at the door and was able to intervene between the two bristling males .
22 Graham appeared at the door .
23 When Cissie appeared at the door , Beth held out her arms and the girl fell into them , and there the three of them remained huddled while the unholy row raged below .
24 Mrs Reed appeared at the door of the room .
25 At once Nocenzi 's private secretary appeared at the door .
26 She was experimenting with a risotto when Ron Paget appeared at the door .
27 A constable appeared at the door to say that DI Eddy Russell was on the phone for the superintendent .
28 Suppose this chap was Alexandra 's special friend , her Significant Other , as they called it in the States , would n't he get a bit peeved if some strange man appeared at the door asking for her ?
29 At that moment my master appeared at the door .
30 Edward appeared at the door of his study as soon as he heard her key in the door .
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