Example sentences of "carry [adv prt] the following " in BNC.

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1 For example , if we have 98 000 positions of storage in which to store the records , from 50 001 to 148 000 , we could carry out the following calculation : The record address is 124 790 .
2 To estimate the MPC t α 1 , it might be thought that we could carry out the following regression : where is an error term , and treat the value obtained for as an estimate of the MPC t α : 1 .
3 The worker will need to carry out the following :
4 Subjects were then asked to carry out the following manoeuvres : ( 1 ) maximum voluntary contraction of the sphincter for 20 seconds ; ( 2 ) strain as if to defecate for at least five seconds ; and ( 3 ) increase intra-abdominal pressure by forcibly expiring against a resistance ( blowing up a party baloon ) .
5 ACET volunteers carry out the following tasks as well as many others :
6 Please carry out the following plan :
7 To recover fertilized or unfertilized eggs carry out the following procedure :
8 To remove embryos from oviducts carry out the following steps .
9 To recover blastocysts carry out the following steps .
10 To count the nuclei of TE and ICM in late blastocysts carry out the following procedure .
11 In order to check the version numbers of the two sets of drivers , carry out the following commands :
12 To convert a file , carry out the following instructions : —
13 In one instance various methods were contemplated to abate the odour from a maggot farm without success , catalytic incineration finally proving successful , and in another extreme case a company carried out the following trials , without success , in an attempt to abate the odour emanating from their factory :
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