Example sentences of "carry [adv prt] [art] research " in BNC.

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1 It had not originally been intended to carry on the research after that date , but it was so successful that finding was obtained to set up a panel study .
2 Having carried out the research , let's say we know where we are going and arrive at a beautiful river .
3 There is particular concern about the impact of this restriction on applicants for the foundation 's ‘ intercollated ’ awards , which enable medical and dental students to carry out a research project leading to a BSc .
4 The ‘ observer as participant ’ is known by the group under study to be an observer but has been accepted , temporarily , by the group and allowed temporary membership to enable him to carry out the research .
5 Elsewhere there is a preponderance of older lecturers who have heavy teaching loads , a discouraging success rate for grant applications , and a shortage of people actually to carry out the research , so physics departments have to be very determined indeed to maintain a thriving research programme .
6 To help tackle the problem , the park authority is carrying out a research study .
7 I have , for the last ten years , been carrying out a research programme about organizational conditions for creativity and innovation , covering both soft aspects like values , climate and leadership styles as well as harder qualities of the organization like structure , strategies and special systems for innovation .
8 To find out what effect all this burning may be having on the upper atmosphere , particularly upon global warming , the Brazilian space institute , in collaboration with NASA from the United States , has been carrying out a research programme .
9 Scientists carrying out the research concluded that no child born into the modern world can be considered immune from the effects of low-level lead exposure .
10 A special needs assessment team from the Foyle Community Unit of the Western Health and Social Services Board will be carrying out the research .
11 RBGE is the most appropriate institution for carrying out the research or training .
12 The University , which has worked previously for the European Commission , are carrying out the research with partners in other member states .
13 Teams from Teesside , Durham and Newcastle universities are carrying out the research .
14 Following the Antiques Road Show appearance , Mrs Cooper 's art work was studied by a WEA antiques class who carried out a research project on marquetery .
15 Luiz Marques Vieira , the scientist who carried out the research , says the findings are " extremely serious " .
16 The head of the team which carried out the research commented that " we 're amazed that no-one has thought to use carbonyl sulphide in this way before " .
17 Allan Auclair of Washington-based environmental consultancy Science and Policy Associates , which carried out the research , suggest that boreal reforestation might help stabilise climate .
18 Dr Leo Kinlen , the director of the Cancer Research Campaign 's epidemiology unit in Oxford , who carried out the research , has produced a series of studies pointing to an infectious agent being involved in leukaemia .
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