Example sentences of "party to [art] protocol " in BNC.

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1 Not only does this clarify the nature of the authorities competent to issue and execute letters rogatory but it makes mandatory as between parties to the Protocol the use of Central Authorities both for the outward transmission and inward receipt of letters rogatory ; that there is an obligation to designate a Central Authority , a matter not wholly clear in the text of the Convention , is specifically provided in Article 2 of the Protocol .
2 They do not become parties to the treaty but to the Protocol , while the treaty parties are not parties to the Protocol .
3 An alternative view is that the parties to the Protocol have bestowed a benefit upon the treaty parties , which the latter must expressly or impliedly accept ( and presumably have done so in advance by ratifying the treaty ) .
4 Can parties to the treaty object to reservations to the Protocol on the grounds of incompatibility with the objects and purposes of the Convention , or can this be done only by parties to the Protocol ?
5 One analysis is that a party to the Protocol has agreed to accept some treaty obligations .
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