Example sentences of "well informed [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ms Devonald said : ‘ The competition will help the young people to say what they want to know about smoking , which will help them and other classes in the school to be better informed about smoking . ’
2 But , while the main survey showed that men in general tended to be better informed about credit than women , that difference was too small to suggest that Asian women would have given a very different impression if they had been included in the groups .
3 People throughout the world suddenly became much better informed about radiation hazards .
4 If managers were better informed of practice activity before 1990 and spent time equipping general practitioners instead of attacking them , they would learn from the general practitioner how to maintain quality of care .
5 A telegram from Smolensk on 1 June urged that the peasants be better informed on tax matters .
6 Committed to Pray Having learned more about the missionaries and their work we as a fellowship should better informed in order to pray for real people and real situations .
7 Can I ask you to think carefully about those dire those issues factors which you think we ought to take into account if we want to be better informed in order to come forward with that sort of a recommendation .
8 The discussion groups ( made up of people who used or at least wanted to use credit ) suggest that while Asians may be relatively well informed about credit and particularly likely to use bank loans , West Indians are likely to use on-the-spot credit sources such as hire purchase .
9 As has been shown , analysis of NCTs main 1979 survey results demonstrates that in general poorer people , less well educated people , those in lower social classes , old people and women rather than men are less well informed about credit , and more likely to use a type of credit out of habit or convenience rather than as a matter of rational choice .
10 The group discussions showed that Asians tended to be well informed about credit — at least as well as white people generally — and to have no real difficulties in using it .
11 It should be added ( see Appendix II ) that the discussion groups suggest that Asian borrowers may be particularly well informed about credit cost comparisons , while West Indian borrowers may be relatively badly informed .
12 Our main survey showed that at the moment credit card users are in general relatively well informed about credit , and also relatively rich and well educated .
13 Particularly at election time , television reached out and informed sections of the electorate which were usually much less well informed about politics .
14 Empirical evidence suggests that erm migrants are reasonably well informed about employment prospects in urban areas .
15 British supervisors and managers are less qualified , more poorly trained , less well informed of training and its importance than French and German managers .
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