Example sentences of "hesitate for a moment " in BNC.

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1 Her lips felt swollen from his kiss , her body shuddering as she felt his hand , pressed tensely against her spine , hesitate for a moment and then , as if he could not stop himself , slide around caressingly over her slender body and up to the full swell of her breast .
2 I would n't hesitate for a moment to lie my teeth off if it was either useful or necessary .
3 I did not hesitate for a moment .
4 No European king would hesitate for a moment .
5 So when he sees Rose staring at him with her dark , serious eyes among the crowds on the staircases in the interval ( this is at a concert ) he does n't hesitate for a moment , but goes straight up to her .
6 We asked her mother who , in spite of being Jewish and already in a precarious position , did not hesitate for a moment .
7 I hesitated for a moment on the stairs , turned round and tried to look at some of them , to see if there was a familiar face , a suspicious or suspecting face , a face I could place , a face that could …
8 The Lout hesitated for a moment but then , as the other scooters roared out of the yard , he shrugged and revved his own scooter up .
9 He hesitated for a moment and lowered his voice … .
10 Just — ’ he hesitated for a moment and Herr Nordern leaned forward eagerly .
11 The Sergeant hesitated for a moment .
12 Once — ’ the voice shook and hesitated for a moment ‘ — once it was a pair of pliers .
13 Jahsaxa hesitated for a moment , then shrugged .
14 He hesitated for a moment when he saw the girl sitting on one of the large black leather sofas that were ranged along one wall .
15 He scrambled to his feet , hesitated for a moment , then clasped his 7 ft 3 in Excalibur to his bosom .
16 Yanto hesitated for a moment then plunged his hands into the evil smelling , mess .
17 She hesitated for a moment , then said , ‘ I met Sid Watkins in Berkeley today and he asked me if I would like to go to the Licensed Victuallers Dinner at the Princes Hotel with him tonight .
18 Tom hesitated for a moment and then walked hurriedly on to the small road back towards the artist 's shop .
19 She was standing in front of him and when , conventionally , she held out her hand towards him , saying , ‘ Goodbye , then , ’ he hesitated for a moment ; then his arm jerked forward and he was holding her hand .
20 He hesitated for a moment as to what to do ; then looking again at the woman at the table , who was now smiling at him , he sat down in the chair , and for the next ten minutes he listened to the banter between the two of them .
21 During the next half hour they worked in this way , and when the empty cases and the bed covers were at last placed on the cart , Aggie locked the door , then hesitated for a moment , wondering what to do with the key .
22 When he had finished speaking the Collector hesitated for a moment on the stairs , looking down at the tired and gaunt faces below him .
23 We hesitated for a moment then took our leave .
24 Katherine hesitated for a moment , stared at her father .
25 She hesitated for a moment , a dim figure in the dark kitchen , distinguished by a brown balloon of a mob-cap and a coarse sacking apron which fell from her neck to her feet like a monstrous bib : it was hard for her to accept defeat .
26 Joseph hesitated for a moment then sank to his knees .
27 Reynolds hesitated for a moment , then said , ‘ I do n't see how this ties in with his medical practice . ’
28 Nicola 's husband hesitated for a moment , rubbing his nose .
29 Mr Hyde hesitated for a moment , then he stood under the street light and the lawyer saw his face .
30 He hesitated for a moment .
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