Example sentences of "commit itself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Labour committed itself to immediate acceptance of the Maastricht social charter , with implications for low pay and for women , and to meeting the UN 's target for aid as a percentage of GNP within five years .
2 ‘ It has committed itself to this new dental hospital and we are looking to it to deliver . ’
3 If I had been standing I could have put it in my personal manifesto that I was a sabbatarian but when the Party committed itself to that , it was placing itself in the position of a church . ’
4 In the mid-fifties UNRWA committed itself to two major development schemes which offered the prospect of resettling between 200,000 and 300,000 refugees .
5 The miners refused to accept such changes and the General Council of the TUC committed itself to sympathetic strike action from Friday , 31 July .
6 One interesting reaction was that in stating , for example , that science should be taught to all pupils in some form or other in the last two years of schooling for 10–20 per cent of the time ( in addition to a broad course up to age 13 years ) , the DES was implicitly committing itself to increased resources , in terms of teachers and facilities .
7 Without committing itself to any firm numbers yet , the company made an analogy to its new database , Access , which lists for $495 and was discounted to $99 for its debut .
8 It was aimed at enabling Britain to remain a decisive player in Western Europe without committing itself in any way to supranationalism .
9 In a related development , the EC environment commissioner , Carlo Ripa di Meana , strongly criticized the latest draft of the Convention on Climate Change as a " sellout " to accommodate the interests of the US government ( which has thus far refused to commit itself to specific emission reductions ) .
10 The new wording , insisted on by the US government , which is refusing to commit itself to specific targets , refers to the reduction of emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000 as merely a " guideline " target .
11 A number of Labour backbenchers are active in anti-pornography campaigns and are attempting to persuade the party to commit itself to new legislation .
12 Environment and development groups warned that the summit was likely to be a failure , largely due to the North 's refusal to commit itself to firm accords .
13 A statement issued by over 100 groups and alliances , including the Brazilian Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations , the Pan-African Movement , Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace , is critical of the North 's failure to commit itself to concrete moves on fair trade , debt reduction , poverty alleviation and technology transfer .
14 In plain language it meant that there could be no public loan unless the British Government was prepared to commit itself to severe retrenchment , including a cut of ten per cent in unemployment benefits .
15 The Japanese position initially highlighted the weak commitment of countries such as the US and Britain to commit itself to any targets .
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