Example sentences of "stare [prep] the floor " in BNC.

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1 They were both astonished and Lomas stopped for a moment to stare at the floor .
2 He bent down to stare at the floor .
3 She just stares at the floor and rocks .
4 While the ebullient Tim chunders on about anything — switching from astute frontman to village idiot at the twist of a phrase — bassist Martin balefully stares at the floor looking ever more intense and occasionally thundering through a paragraph of bile .
5 While the ebullient Tim chunders on about anything — switching from astute frontman to village idiot at the twist of a phrase — bassist Martin balefully stares at the floor looking ever more intense and occasionally thundering through a paragraph of bile .
6 I 'll stare at the floor ! ’
7 He was staring at the floor , keeping very still as if he was trying to be part of the wall .
8 ‘ When I wrote it , ’ he remembers , staring at the floor like a child admitting to shoplifting , ‘ I was in the middle of a really , really serious obsession that got completely out of hand .
9 ‘ Evelyn Lennox had a sister , a Sandra Riverton , who also worked for us , ’ he began slowly , staring at the floor .
10 McDunn is staring at the floor and turning the gold B&H packet over and over on the table .
11 Monks listened with close attention , biting his lip and staring at the floor .
12 Like some naughty child who 's been caught playing a prank she just kept her head low , staring at the floor .
13 Dora was sitting in the shadows with Iris at her side , staring at the floor .
14 Ralph was sitting , staring at the floor , picking at the seam of his jeans .
15 Patterson is still there , still tied to his chair , staring at the floor .
16 Her shoulders drooped and she turned her face away , staring at the floor , hardly able to listen when fitzAlan continued speaking .
17 He was silent for a moment , staring at the floor , then he looked up at Rachel again .
18 The other hospitaller , Fitzormonde , stood near the window , his hands folded , staring at the floor as if totally unaware of Cranston 's presence .
19 It ai n't just her face being all bashed up and that — it 's the way she did n't say nothing , but just stared at the floor .
20 She stared at the floor , turning pink and feeling so confused that she almost missed what Mr Hollins was saying .
21 Frankie stared at the floor and tried not to think of all the things he might have done , or failed to do , to cause this latest upset .
22 He put down the pot , stared at the floor for a few seconds and then looked up glowering , pointed his finger at me in a way that was frightening because it was so sudden .
23 She stared at the floor , at the sudden crack of light beneath the bedroom door .
24 While she stared at the floor Rosen continued , ‘ I do hope we have time to talk alone before you go . ’
25 Kim bit his lip and stared at the floor as his father rose to look meaningfully in their direction ; Tam and Lan also shifted uncomfortably under his gaze , which remained on them unwaveringly throughout their mother 's act of devotion .
26 And then the monster looked very hurt and sad and stared at the floor .
27 In between such anguished pleas , there were long and embarrassing silences while he simply stared at the floor .
28 They stared at the floor for a few seconds then said ‘ You 'll have to come back because we did n't have the right tools . ’ ’
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