Example sentences of "aim at creating a " in BNC.

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1 The ISE is aiming at creating a Single European Market in the top 200 international equities in cooperation with European exchanges , with one price mechanism ( centred in London , the ISE hopes ) , although plans are at an early stage .
2 Unlike Lanfranc who aimed at creating a model community in accordance with the latest monastic thought without regard to local traditions , Anselm not only permitted , but welcomed , local habits of worship and models of sanctity , which Lanfranc had driven out with a strong arm .
3 Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif announced legislation on April 10 aimed at creating an " Islamic welfare state " .
4 His reformist programme , partly economic , partly political , was aimed at creating a more open ‘ communism with a human face ’ .
5 The original activity of the commission , aimed at creating a unified nomenclature applicable to all forms of chromatography , took place over 10 years ago .
6 Various proposals have been made aimed at creating a legal framework to enable Afghanistan to revert essentially to its pre-1978 international status .
7 Various provisions of the Education Reform Act 1988 ( ERA ) , particularly those relating to LMS ( under which a school 's funding is based largely on the numbers and ages of its pupils ) and more open enrolment , are aimed at creating a climate of heightened competition between schools for pupils , and the present study will be conducted within this new context .
8 Admitting that the security forces were involved in a recent wave of kidnappings and murders of students , he said that his government did not have the means to combat the activities which had taken place over the past few months , aimed at creating a climate of terror and instability in order to justify an attempt to return to the past or the installation of a president who would promise a tough policy .
9 Mercosur : Founded : March 1991 , aimed at creating a common market in the region .
10 The Uruguay Round of GATT talks , begun in 1986 , aimed at creating a new framework for world trade .
11 To this end their policy has been aimed at creating a greater diversification of supply bringing in housing associations and private builders to create a greater choice and , according to the Conservatives , value for tenants .
12 Work there to stabilise the land near the Skirlaw Bridge is aimed at creating a tree-lined area for recreation .
13 The three Belfast built vessels , the Stena Antrim , Stena Galloway and the Stena Caledonia offer Larne–Stranraer passengers an excellent range of on-board facilities and entertainment , aimed at creating an exciting and enjoyable travel experience .
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