Example sentences of "link together [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 That theory 's notion of a world economy is , in its simplest form , based on the view that , since the inception of capitalism in Europe , every part of the globe is linked together through a world market and , thereafter , all that happens obeys the logic of that world market so as to generate profits for enterprises in the advanced capitalist countries .
2 Our schools are part of the International House group , a world-wide organisation of language schools and teacher-training centres , linked together through a non-profitmaking Educational Charity Trust which has its head-quarters at 106 Piccadilly , London .
3 Erect a small fence around the pool consisting of short canes abut 15 cm ( 6 in ) high , linked together with a single strand of fishing line .
4 The company is banking on communications technology arriving in time so that the dispersed machines can be linked together at a speed of at least 100 Mbytes per second — FDDI runs at 100 M-bits per second , and the company is looking at Asynchronous Transfer Mode , the emerging broadband fixed-cell packet system for the links .
5 The equipment consists of a number of machines linked together in a network .
6 The SN9400 , designed for single users , comprises a series of small enclosures , each with its own power and cooling systems that can be linked together in a stack .
7 The SN9400 , designed for single users , comprises a series of small enclosures , each with their own power and cooling systems that can be linked together in a stack .
8 Or is it more likely to be so affected by nationalism and the historical preferences of its peoples that it will remain a heterogeneous collection of individual markets linked together in a loose customs union ?
9 Thus what began as a specific and separate set of issues involving such matters as landscape change , pesticide use , urban and industrial development , resource depletion , recreational demand and the preservation of rare flora and fauna have been linked together in a much more comprehensive debate about environmental matters .
10 All movements of the tai chi chuan form are linked together in a smooth , flowing sequence .
11 These are then linked together in a set logical sequence to teach the beginner continuity of movement .
12 All these ideas — each of which is in principle arguable — are compacted into two relatively short sentences and are linked together in a gradually unfolding argument .
13 Anderston was a warren of narrow gas-lit streets , of tenements linked together by a spider 's web of overhead tram wires , swaying in the wind above the cobbles .
14 Within two years the company will have mainframe-class machines based on many cheap CMOS processors , linked together by a high speed switch similar in concept to the RISC-based SP1 ( CI No 2126 ) .
15 It consists of a number of locally-based groups , linked together by a holding committee on which the district groups are represented .
16 It consists of a number of locally based groups , linked together by a holding committee on which the district groups are represented .
17 Yet in our day-to-day lives , we are witnesses to communication breakdowns , misinterpretations and blockages , where the transmitter 's attitudes , values , experiences , language , posture , etc. do not link together in a consistent message , or where the message itself has inaccuracies , or where the receiver 's attitudes , values and perceptions cause so much filtering of the message that the intended information does not get through — what is heard is what the receiver wanted to hear , not what was said .
18 Furthermore the overall effect of this circulation is to link together into a widely ramifying network of relationships a great number of individuals of quite different status and quite different cultural background .
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