Example sentences of "access to [art] car " in BNC.

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1 The combination of lack of access to a car , difficulty in using public transport because of the increased likelihood of disability , and inaccessible location of necessary services , means that older people are both more likely to have difficulty walking and yet more likely to depend on walking as means of getting about .
2 The forecasts that every British family would by now have access to a car ( the thinking behind the design of Milton Keynes and other new towns ) were plainly wrong .
3 Richards is inclined to follow fashion in identifying ‘ the road lobby ’ as a prime cause of our troubles when the great majority of people have access to a car and want to use it .
4 The motor car is socially divisive in that while 50 per cent of the population of Britain have access to a car , the remaining 50 per cent do not and they are always the underprivileged sections of the community : the old , the young , the poor .
5 Some 40 per cent of the rural population have no access to a car so that the problem of claiming a benefit that may have been straightforward in town , is very pressing in the country .
6 For example , a 1982 opinion poll in the UK found that in answer to the question ‘ What is most valued as a contribution to the quality of life ? ’ , the percentage wanting ‘ safe streets ’ was 72 compared to 53 for ‘ attractive countryside ’ , 51 for ‘ unpolluted atmosphere ’ and 46 for ‘ good public transport ’ and only 37 for ‘ access to a car ’ .
7 A cycling population would be fitter , healthier and more egalitarian than one reliant on privileged personal access to a car .
8 Significant positive correlations were found between the rate of known opioid use and each of seven indicators of social deprivation ( in both the general and youth populations ) , namely : unemployment , council tenancies , overcrowding , large families , single-parent households , an unskilled labour force , and having no access to a car ( see Parker et al .
9 but in the country er public transport is essential but er access to a car is ess is really essential and for those who ca n't afford it I do not know how they survive in the country .
10 I think that its , its choice that 's something we have n't sort of looked at tonight , I think its the important er factor in a fact that we 've got an audience here with a large representative er percentage of er access to a car and certainly erm I working in the transport field in West Central Scotland , er that is not the case , in Glasgow where the car ownership is something in the order of seventy per cent of the population do not have access to a car or do not have access in a household , we , you are then talking , you have to look very , very seriously at what public transport must provide in order to meet just day , day to day activities and I think that this choice aspect is something that is absolutely vital as the lady in front says .
11 I think that its , its choice that 's something we have n't sort of looked at tonight , I think its the important er factor in a fact that we 've got an audience here with a large representative er percentage of er access to a car and certainly erm I working in the transport field in West Central Scotland , er that is not the case , in Glasgow where the car ownership is something in the order of seventy per cent of the population do not have access to a car or do not have access in a household , we , you are then talking , you have to look very , very seriously at what public transport must provide in order to meet just day , day to day activities and I think that this choice aspect is something that is absolutely vital as the lady in front says .
12 Other methods to measure accessibility have involved questionnaire surveys of hospital visits ( Haynes and Bentham , 1979 ) or matrices of distance from various centres of population as shown in Table 6.4 , or surveys of access to a car as shown in Table 6.5 .
13 As a result , car-based development policies have tended to reduce the freedom of choice and quality of life of this still numerically significant section of the population , while dramatically increasing them for that section with regular access to a car .
14 We welcome the advice that new retail development should be sited so as to reduce the number and length of car journeys and to provide for those who do not have access to a car .
15 RIP-OFF : Why do I have to pay 20p to gain access to a car boot sale ?
16 The system allows doors to be assembled separately and fitted to the car at a late stage , to improve access to the car as it proceeds along the line .
17 It was blocking access to the car park exit .
18 We 've had people say access to the car and then we get a phone call to say they 're off sick for a couple of weeks that actually means that the car has been not available .
19 Mm yes , erm since the home office secretary 's initiative it 's progressing quite well , with interest from certainly Bassett , Newark Stanton on the Wolds Tollerton and some other of the rural Coldfield areas were interested in going forward , Bassett looked very very interested , we went to a meeting last night , eighteen parish councils were represented , er Beckingham is going to be the first one , they 've got a special that lives there who 's gon na take up the work , Superintendent came down last night to do a circular of em a questionnaire around the village and parish to get find out what people want , and then go and see what the specials able to provide and meet the two together and get some sort of contractive agreement , he 'll work from the police house there , he 'll have access to the car , when it 's not being used by the rural officer , also his radio .
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