Example sentences of "reference to [art] expert " in BNC.

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1 As a reference to an expert is a contract , disputes between the parties as to its validity have to be determined on that basis .
2 If any descriptive word is used at all , it is usually " valuer " , and the procedure is called a " valuation " or an " appraisement " , and not " expert determination " or a " reference to an expert " .
3 Either arbitration or litigation would have taken more time and cost more money than a successful reference to an expert .
4 Whether the reference to an expert takes place may be subject to the agreement of the parties to the shipbuilding contract .
5 They may be used to prevent a reference to an expert after that date , in which case an existing determination , made by or on behalf of one of the parties but not accepted by the other , may have to stand .
6 The umpire procedure has often been relied on as an argument for a reference being an arbitration rather than an instance of expert determination ( or , in the older cases , a " valuation " ) but the courts have not seen the umpire procedure as an important factor , and the involvement of an umpire does not turn a reference to an expert into an arbitration .
7 The plaintiffs were seeking an injunction to stop a reference to an expert proceeding .
8 15.2 Is the reference to an expert or an arbitrator ?
9 A dissatisfied party may want to establish that the reference was made to an expert so that he can then sue the individual , or that the reference was made to an arbitrator so that he can appeal against the award : or again there may be differences in rights of enforcement prompting the claim that an arbitration was a reference to an expert , or vice versa .
10 existence of a dispute does not preclude a reference to an expert .
11 The courts may find it impossible to categorise every procedure it is asked to review as either a reference to an expert or an arbitrator .
12 Thus , while all the usual contractual rules about offer and acceptance , consideration , intention to create legal relations , illegality , mistake , misrepresentation , repudiation , breach , discharge and so forth are relevant to understanding the contractual context of the reference to the expert , those rules may also have a direct bearing on whether a decision of an expert can be enforced .
13 The privilege would be " absolute " , which means that nothing , including evidence of malice , could rebut it , if the court found that the reference to the expert closely resembled judicial proceedings .
14 These provisions are references to an expert .
15 8.16.1 Time bars may prevent references to an expert
16 The procedure in " documents-only " arbitrations is difficult to distinguish from the procedure in some references to an expert .
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