Example sentences of "responsible for the development " in BNC.

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1 Significantly , he also became responsible for the development of the Board 's Chapter III provision in rural areas .
2 Changes in stimulus distinctiveness might , indeed , be in part responsible for the development of different patterns of overt behaviour to the different training stimuli , but the mere fact that discrimination learning occurs can not prove this to be so .
3 If it did , it might be valuable in patients with gout , when abnormal deposits of uric acid are responsible for the development of intensely painful joints .
4 The testis ( testicle , ball ) serves as the factory for production of the male seed , the spermatozoa , and also makes the hormones responsible for the development of adult sexual characteristics , such as pubic hair , enlarged genitalia , beard , and deep voice .
5 In his report Developing an acquisitions system for a university library , Hindle proposes a system in which university departments are responsible for the development of research collections , while library staff control the provision of teaching materials .
6 It means that the proletariat is leading the entire working nation behind it , that it is responsible for the development of the whole of society , that it is becoming a great collective organiser of the entire national economy , that the direction of development is not towards a widening of the gulf between the fundamental class ( the working class and peasantry ) and that things are not moving towards a ‘ third revolution ’ , etc .
7 Managers , management consultants and those responsible for the development of human resources will find this book a valuable , practical guide to productivity … ’
8 TDS.1 was responsible for the development of glider aircraft for the rapid deployment of personnel and equipment , their work resulting in the Hamilcar and Horsa designs .
9 For the past two years , I have been questioning whether the Lawn Tennis Association was the right organisation to continue to be responsible for the development of a new generation of men and women tennis players who would be able to take on and compete on level terms with the rest of the world .
10 Appliances for Environmental Conditioning — Working on the team responsible for developing novel domestic appliances for environmental conditioning , you will be responsible for the development of appliances from theoretical concept to advanced working prototypes suitable for field evaluation .
11 Speaking at a Unix Labs Pacific System Software Technology Seminar held recently in Tokyo , Michael Miracle , the director of the Unix System Development Department at Unix System Laboratories Inc in New Jersey and the person responsible for the development and testing of the System V.4 ES/MP release , said that Unix Labs was currently involved in internal debate and discussion with customers about the release of a microkernel-based version of System V.4 .
12 Smith , N. Steen , R. Bennet and S. Crowe , has been responsible for the development on the right side of Walla Crag , producing a girdle traverse — Magical Mystery Tour , E4 6a — and a dozen other routes from E2 to E5 .
13 It has questioned how far they were in a position to ‘ smuggle in ’ alien dogmas and indoctrinate the masses , and how far they were responsible for the development of class consciousness among workers .
14 I was responsible for the development of battery operated equipment at A.E.R.E. Harwell for a number of years .
15 The Environment and Planning Committee will continue to be responsible for the development of social science research in transport .
16 Was Cyril Burt as responsible for the development as he claimed or does it derive more from distinct European or American traditions ?
17 He was also strongly opposed to the CNAA being responsible for the development of a rival system to that of the universities , rather than the safety net for the universities that he had envisaged .
18 The alternative — that these lower levels are partly responsible for the development of oesophagitis — is also possible .
19 The person or organisation responsible for the development of the module .
20 is responsible for the development of level IV assessments and for the promotion of the joint awarding body activities .
21 He joined the company in June 1986 as a main board director responsible for the Development Group .
22 Indeed , the differences enshrined here seem to be responsible for the development of scenic , figural representation in the east and a less unified form of figural representation in the west .
23 Clearly , those responsible for the development of the various systems are faced with design choices .
24 He will now become responsible for the development of financial strategy and control throughout the Northumbrian group .
25 The recent correspondence about traffic problems and congestion fails to address the basic cause of most of the present chaos , which is the lack of consultation and co-operation by those responsible for the development of industry , office space , housing and schools , and public transport during the last 45 years .
26 She was also responsible for the development of such services in the counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk .
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