Example sentences of "express itself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In all cases , the inner mental being of a creature is similar throughout its life cycle , though expressing itself through different outward physical forms as it metamorphoses .
2 The originality of a critical mind , expressing itself in creative and sometimes idiosyncratic science , has often manifested itself in theological deviation .
3 Another foresees a more conservative role for the middle class , expressing itself in active opposition to socialism as a process of increasing public ownership or control of industry and expanding welfare services , and in a reassertion of the desirability of a more laissez-faire type of economy .
4 Contrariwise , of course , the hostility of the former ruling dynasties , the Bourbons and Orléans , together with their connections , frequently expressed itself in adverse manoeuvres designed to embarrass , if not actually to weaken , the ‘ Fourth dynasty ’ in France .
5 Hence the new postulate in psychoanalytic theory : that there must be an underlying biological instinct which expressed itself in mental life as a compulsion to repeat unpleasant experiences .
6 Thus , in a thoroughly typical way , man , who is not endowed with an instinctive love of animals or care for them , achieves the ability to make a success of animal-husbandry as a form of economic life by channelling his otherwise rampant aggressiveness back against himself as a force of conscience which frequently expresses itself in pastoral cultures as a vengeful and recriminating god of the sky .
7 Machismo is an exaggerated cult of virility which expresses itself in male assertions of superiority over females , and competition between men .
8 In many works , in fact , the Latin-American people 's struggle against social , political and economic domination expresses itself in cultural terms , in resistance to the dominant culture imposed by Western imperialism .
9 When Ultimate Concern expresses itself in particular religions , and adherents of those religions regard them as embodiments of the Ultimate then , in Tillich 's view , the particular has been elevated to the status of ultimacy .
10 The pain which is manifest in all the muscles and sinews of the body … does not express itself with any violence either in the face or in the position as a whole .
11 It seems that there is the possibility of using a sign code , but it does not express itself among deaf people in this sort of task as clearly as speech coding does in hearing people .
12 Rolt warns that this is not so because that spirit can only express itself in creative activities in which work and leisure are facets of one whole .
13 I find his thesis correct in general , but should like to add that the corruption which amounts to violence is likely to be suppressed in someone who has been trained to be a good little girl and can , as one of his own case histories demonstrates , express itself in other , less overt , terms .
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