Example sentences of "point [prep] the direction " in BNC.

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1 Outside , a weather vane had been built in the lee of the vicarage next door , hardly an ideal position ; especially , when I discovered that its arrow pointer had been fixed to point in the direction of the ruined castle Blanchefort in the nearby mountains .
2 Whatever the newsheet was telling them they all seemed excited about it ; there was waving of arms and pointing in the direction of Caen .
3 Creeds are only notices pointing in the direction in which deep down feelings and beliefs are taking us .
4 Ensure that you have a secure base by standing with your feet comfortably apart and with your ‘ leading foot ’ pointing in the direction of the movement you need to make .
5 Now remember that a helicopter , unlike a conventional aircraft , does not necessarily have to be pointing in the direction that it is moving and that the pilot must tell the tail where to go at all times .
6 What will be necessary , however , is to use the tail rotor in the direction of the turn to keep the fuselage pointing in the direction of travel .
7 The tail will ‘ weathercock ’ and keep the nose pointing in the direction that the model is travelling .
8 Firstly pivot the catapult on the spot so that it is pointing in the direction you wish to shoot .
9 First pivot the mortar so that it is pointing in the direction you wish to fire .
10 She was on tiptoe , pointing in the direction of the coast .
11 Keep your right elbow pointing in the direction of your right hip as shown .
12 The error response in the Gloucester-Holyhead question is of interest because it is the top band pupils who are most likely to treat the obliquely placed town names as arrows pointing in the directions of the required figures .
13 It is not only that Charlie 's lives , like those of Tiresias , grow confused ; his expression , speaking out of modern London about remote and contemporary affairs , all in ‘ a confused tangle of other voices ’ , like a poetic ventriloquist , points in the direction of
14 If the first finger points from magnetic north to south and the second finger points in the direction of the electron flow , from negative to positive , then the thumb is the direction of the electromotive force .
15 When the fingers are curled round the wire and the thumb points in the direction of the electron flow , the fingers will point in the direction of the current 's magnetic field .
16 It is , however , suggested that where a new basis for constitutionality has come to enjoy universal acknowledgment or sufficiently widespread acquiescence , the judge 's obligation to uphold the law points in the direction of endorsing charge rather than blindly ignoring it .
17 Similarly the south gate is usually assumed to be at the end of Southgate Street where an internal street points in the direction of Boley Hill ; the existence of a cemetery in this region outside the walls would support this assumption .
18 But both the idea of politics as a collective activity , as the business of the citizens themselves , and the idea of politics as rational , regulated government as opposed to the arbitrary unpredictable rule of despots pointed in the direction of democracy .
19 The finger of suspicion was pointed in the direction of GCHQ , the government 's listening centre at Cheltenham , or a branch of the security services .
20 The finger of suspicion was pointed in the direction of GCHQ , the government 's listening centre at Cheltenham , or a branch of the security services .
21 He asked the first policeman he saw the way to London University and was pointed in the direction of the Strand .
22 The overarticulate ‘ Superfetation ’ and the physically direct ‘ hairy bellies ’ both point in the direction of sex .
23 It is obviously too painful to talk about it — especially when fingers point in the direction of City Hall .
24 The development of such trading centres is only relevant here in as far as they point to the direction in which economy was evolving in the sixth and seventh centuries .
25 When the fingers are curled round the wire and the thumb points in the direction of the electron flow , the fingers will point in the direction of the current 's magnetic field .
26 Another member of the group will be sitting on the chair with eyes closed and will point in the direction of the slightest sound .
27 Look ! ’ and he pointed in the direction of two nuns surrounded by a horde of children .
28 And the woman smiled but pointed at the direction that they were to go .
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