Example sentences of "answer to [art] claim " in BNC.

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1 He rejected the argument that the defendants had done something more by refraining from setting up certain answers to the claim permitted by the Dubai law ; as a matter of policy it was never their intention to do so and ‘ It is no consideration to refrain from a course of action which it was never intended to pursue ; see Cook v. Wright ( 1861 ) 1 B. & ss. 559 , 589 , ( above , p. 214 ) . ’
2 The writs , i.e. the King 's commands that a person shall appear in one of the King 's Courts in answer to a claim , are issued in his name , as they still are today , and are issued from his office .
3 The challenge to the council 's resolution in Wandsworth LBC v. Winder was collateral in two ways : it was made in answer to a claim for possession of the premises by the Council , and it was incidental to an assertion of a contractual right under the lease .
4 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the liability imposed under section 1(1) of the Act of 1978 was intended by Parliament , by virtue of section 6(1) of the Act , to enable claims for contribution to be made as between parties who had no claim for contribution under the general law , and applied whenever a plaintiff had a cause of action against a third party in respect of the same damage as gave rise to his cause of action against the defendant , irrespective of the legal basis of the liability ; and that , accordingly , the defence of ex turpi causa non oritur actio could not be relied upon in answer to a claim for contribution under the Act ; and that , since there was sufficient possibility of the third party being found liable for some part of the plaintiffs ' loss , there were no grounds for striking out the third party notice ( post , pp. 1022H — 1023A , G–H , 1024G — 1025D ) .
5 ( 1 ) Is the ex turpi causa defence available as an answer to a claim to contribution under the Act of 1978 ?
6 In my judgment the ex turpi causa defence is not available as an answer to a claim for contribution under the Act of 1978 .
7 If this wife made such an application the husband could set up the fact of desertion as an answer to the claim , but he could not set up clause 3 as a bar to the proceedings .
8 Scott J concluded that if this were a case in which there was any question or threat of general disclosure by the defendant of confidential information concerning the way in which the plaintiff carried on its business or concerning any details of the affairs of any of its clients there would be no answer to the claim for an injunction ; but it was not general disclosure that the defendant had in mind .
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