Example sentences of "announce [pos pn] support for " in BNC.

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1 Baker visited Saudi Arabia and Jordan on July 20-21 and both King Fahd and King Hussein announced their support for the US plan and for the Egyptian initiative .
2 On the day after Aquino 's announcement it was reported that 28 congressmen and 22 governors had broken with the LDP and announced their support for Ramos .
3 Regional Council president Gérard Longuet has been holding discussions on this agreement since June not only with Les Verts but also with Génération Ecologie , two of whose six representatives also announced their support for his administration .
4 ICL last week announced its support for Texas Instruments Inc 's superscalar Viking Sparc — see front page — which will figure in a top-end , multi-processing DRS6000 Model 764 .
5 On Jan. 9 , 1990 , the US administration announced its support for the restoration of World Bank loans to China which met " basic human needs " ; the International Herald Tribune reported on Jan. 13 that this covered about $2,000 million of the $7,000 million sought by the World Bank .
6 The National Rifle Association , the powerful lobby which had successfully blocked most gun controls , announced its support for a national computerised system to check prospective gun-buyers for possible criminal records .
7 On April 8 the South African Communist Party ( SACP ) announced its support for the ultimatum .
8 Eleven regional electricity companies have also announced their support for the scheme , which may eventually be part funded by small surcharges on customers ' bills .
9 Earlier , on May 28 , President Bush had announced his support for unconditional extension of MFN status .
10 Mexico 's president , Carlos Salinas , announced his support for giving the central bank autonomy over monetary policy .
11 In that of 1680 , however , Dering announced his support for exclusion , after the Lords ' rejection of the bill .
12 When he failed to muster enough backing for a secret ballot Pawar announced his support for Rao who was then unanimously elected as leader on June 20. nation
13 He held talks with his Malaysian counterpart , Mahathir Mohamed , who announced his support for Vietnamese membership of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) .
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