Example sentences of "present himself as the " in BNC.

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1 And if King Fahd refuses to have them there , then he can no longer present himself as the guardian , on behalf of the Muslim world , of the holy places .
2 He 's arranging a Greek tour presenting himself as the world 's only singing , dancing , somersaulting potentate .
3 This is expected to be particularly revealing as Mr Camber , a curator at the British Museum before he went to work for Sotheby 's , heard about the hoard from an ex-colleague and became involved in negotiations over it in Switzerland some time before Lord Northampton , presenting himself as the single owner of the treasure , first approached Sotheby 's in 1988 with a view to selling .
4 Mr Kinnock presenting himself as the country 's next Prime Minister , won a standing ovation at his Party Conference at Blackpool .
5 Neil Kinnock has won a standing ovation from the Labour Party faithful at their conference in Blackpool , by presenting himself as the next Prime Minister .
6 MIKHAIL Gorbachev presents himself as the saviour of socialism .
7 He always presented himself as the redeemed bad boy , but it was a lie , she says .
8 As Gregory Elliott has recently emphasized , although Althusser always presented himself as the figure of the rigours of orthodoxy against the eclecticism of the existentialists , in his own work he was just as catholic , allying Marxism with non-Marxist philosophy , even if it was a history of science to which , he claimed , ‘ French philosophy owes its renaissance in the last thirty years ’ .
9 Each is eager to present himself as the most qualified man to head off protectionist measures and to restore Japan 's good name , which lately has been looking a little tarnished .
10 Bosch , who had moderated his left-wing image to present himself as the defender of the small and medium businessman in the face of state bureaucracy and corruption , still retained the appeal of the reformer who had been ousted from office by the military in 1963 and by the invasion of US troops in 1965 .
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