Example sentences of "face the same problems " in BNC.

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1 Everyone knew this , but we faced the same problems in increasing efficiency and productivity as in all the other traditional industries like coal and steel .
2 IBM Corp 's personal computer business was around the break-even level or may have been profitable in the first three months of this year , the president of IBM Personal Computer Co Robert Corrigan told the New York Times : he says he thinks ‘ people will be surprised at how quickly we 're bringing this business back , ’ and that it should be solidly profitable before year-end ; problem is that its closest rivals , Compaq Computer Corp and Dell Computer Corp , which both faced the same problems as IBM , adjusted to the change in the market much more quickly , and rushed appropriate machines out while IBM procrastinated , so that they are already strongly profitable while IBM is still having to build up momentum .
3 I face the same problems as a structural engineer .
4 Such issues which touch upon the merits can no more be avoided under option four than under option two ; both options address many of the same issues , and face the same problems .
5 Will the Minister commit himself and the Government to the development of the coal industry in Scotland and say more about the Government 's intentions for Monktonhall , lest Yorkshire face the same problems as Scotland , as the Bishop of Durham made clear this weekend ?
6 If we are prepared to participate in a European bank for reconstruction and development to help countries in eastern Europe which are facing the same problems as Britain 's defence industry workers , could we not at least set up a defence diversification agency to help the tens of thousands of workers in the north-west and throughout the United Kingdom who will be thrown on to the scrap heap ?
7 I know the mental health on th on the health service side are facing the same problems and I was wondering to what extent the director had been talking to the District Health Authority on , on those lines .
8 We are concerned that rehabilitation may face the same problems as re-introduction or re-stocking in conservation — difficult , expensive , and the results often uncertain .
9 ‘ A consultant should be able to help you because , unlike you , he has faced the same problems elsewhere , ’ he said .
10 Steg needs every trick in the book-worm to make sure that his sprogs are fed — at which point our horrid hero moves to the next level and faces the same problems again .
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