Example sentences of "achieve [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 But Chapman doubts Forest can ever achieve the same level of success when Clough calls it a day , and he likens their position to the massive void left behind when Don Revie quit Leeds 18 years ago .
2 Generally , girls do not achieve the same level of formal educational qualifications as boys , although the gap is narrowing .
3 New government leaders continued to speak in favour of Mongol-Soviet ties , but after the March plenum Foreign Minister Gombosuren expressed the hope that Mongolian-Chinese relations would achieve the same level as Mongolian-Soviet relations .
4 We think that the er residents of a new settlement will still look to York as the natural centre for employment , for er provision of most employment , retailing and entertainment , and if you compare it with something like er Easingwold , erm which is of a similar size , erm this has achieved a degree a degree of self containment and balance , but this has occurred through erm a long period of development and a gradual growth of erm social linkages and economic linkages , however , even with such erm a gradual growth erm it 's not got a high degree of self containment , erm recent developments in er transport and changes in lifestyle have reduced this even further , and it 's difficult to believe that er a proposal , such as a new settlement er which is explicitly intended to cater for the development needs of York , located only ten miles from York can achieve the same level of self containment .
5 Trade unionists knew that they could only achieve a limited level of their ambitions through industrial means and they realized that they needed working class MPs to support them in parliament .
6 Thus the only way by which the government might achieve a higher level of output would be by cheating , by not following the rule it says it will follow .
7 Students generally have been led to believe that they can not all achieve a worthwhile level of learning .
8 The group relief position between the various members of the vendor group , including Target , needs to be considered by both Newco and the vendor , because it will have a bearing on : ( a ) what the parties to the buy-out agree should be paid by Target for group relief to be surrendered to it by other members of the vendor group or , conversely , what payment Target should receive for losses and other group relief items which are available for surrender from Target to other members of the vendor group ; ( b ) whether adjustments need to be made to inter-company loan accounts ; for example if it has been assumed that in the accounting period of Target in which the buy-out occurs it will achieve a certain level of profitability which will enable it to claim group relief from other group companies and that those other companies will accordingly be able to write off £x of inter-company debt due to Target , the fact that Target leaves the vendor group , say , half-way through that accounting period , will prima facie reduce the amount of group relief it can claim to half of £x ; furthermore Newco may not be willing to pay as much as half of £x out of Target unless this represents a discount on the amount of corporation tax Target would otherwise have to pay on such profits ; additionally , the notional disposals which Target makes under s179 TCGA when it leaves the group may either increase its profits ( if a gain arises ) or decrease them ( if a loss arises ) ; ( c ) what the parties agree in terms of indemnity cover for Newco for tax charges crystallising in Target ; for example , the vendor goup may agree to surrender sufficient group relief to Target free of charge to preclude any charge to corporation tax arising from the operation of s179 when Target leaves the group .
9 Erm the figure the County Council have proposed in my opinion , does n't achieve a sufficient level of reduction .
10 Acquired immunity in ostertagiasis is slow to develop and calves do not achieve a significant level of immunity until the end of their first grazing season .
11 It has been shown that ‘ critical points ’ are reached ( for instance when car ownership achieves a certain level ) at which key elements of urban structure are transformed .
12 The English text achieves a higher level of informality by appearing to consider various angles of the problem in a relaxed , casual way , as if the writer is simply taking up issues as they occur to him/her .
13 Val Pinder who has been away for some months due to illness achieves a fantastic level of sales and came in fourth .
14 Despite the absence of the wheel and a system of writing , It achieved a high level of civilization …
15 Do not worry about whether you are successful in achieving a deep level of relaxation .
16 The Washington-based Population Crisis Committee on Feb. 26 detailed a 10-year programme aimed at achieving a stable level of about 9,000 million by the middle of the 21st century .
17 Assessing the effectiveness of a programme in achieving a desired level of results is the newest and most difficult area of work that the auditor has to adapt to .
18 If it is assumed that this country had achieved the minimum level of industrial development by 1850 , then the available circumstantial evidence suggests that by then about 70 per cent of the working class had achieved basic literacy rates .
19 Of the richest thirty-five countries in 1958 , all but six had the required level of primary education in 1920 ; vice versa , of the fifty countries that had not achieved the minimum level of primary education in 1920 , only one was among the developed countries in 1958 .
20 Recently , nine members of Windscale Judo Club achieved a higher level in the sport after successfully completing an upgrading contest .
21 Each of the four areas achieved a different level of success in the development of a system of multidisciplinary assessment .
22 Without a doubt , the Romans had achieved a sophisticated level of vine-growing , training the vines , much as today , in parallel rows , and ensuring proper spacing between each plant .
23 It is easy enough to analyse the formal characteristics of African sculpture in terms of vertical , horizontal or diagonal emphases ; of relative naturalism or abstraction ; of rounded , angular or cubic elements ; or in terms of tensions , rhythm and movement , and this is certainly an enjoyable and satisfying experience , since African sculptors have achieved a remarkable level of expression in what has been called ‘ purely sculptural ’ form .
24 But since the post-1945 rebound of the counter-tenor 's art , led by Alfred Deller , a majestic British musician , the male alto has achieved an unprecedented level of musical acceptance .
25 In well ordered systems it may be possible to calculate the length of in-house experience required to achieve the required level of expertise in particular topics and compare this with the lead time for particular product requirements .
26 ‘ Renault in association with Williams , has demonstrated its ability to achieve the highest level of automotive technology with its crushing superiority in this year 's Formula 1 world championship ’
27 Moreover , Allied artillery during the bombardment had been evenly spread along the whole front , not concentrated ; in consequence , the fire was too thin to achieve the intended level of destruction .
28 We should then ask whether any of these reasons are relevant to the case with which we are concerned , and classify the activity in question in such a way as to achieve the desired level and type of control .
29 The following year , a multi-skilled , integrated team headed by Garrick Mound , of Subsurface , challenged all aspects of the reservoir understanding and mode of access in order to achieve the desired level of increased performance and productivity.All subsurface disciplines revisited the reservoir model to establish a realistic and robust understanding of the reservoir quality distribution and its uncertainties .
30 Risk control is the process of implementing the outputs of the previous stages in order to achieve the desired level of risk , initially in the decision making phase of a project , and subsequently throughout the rest of the project life cycle .
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