Example sentences of "could contribute to the " in BNC.

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1 Finally , they could contribute to the farm income by running their own tourist enterprise .
2 Second , it was in the economic interests of the colonial ( and home ) administrations to persuade or force the cultivator to grow produce for the market either because it increased the cultivator 's taxability and therefore he/she could contribute to the infrastructural administrative and policing costs of the colony ; or , where settlers would or could not do the job , it would provide a source of cheap food for the mining workers , particularly in southern Africa .
3 It is also under the wing of the United Nations and could contribute to the reforestation of felled rainforest , so that the land is sustained .
4 All three processes could contribute to the adaptedness of the nest-building .
5 There were also a whole range of ways in which children could contribute to the household economy through domestic labour and child care , both within their own households , and as part of the pattern of exchange between kin and neighbours .
6 Another possible explanation is that alcohol impairs renal sodium excretion ; the resulting sodium retention could contribute to the development of peripheral oedema .
7 Many writers have gone on to argue that such consensual preferences became even stronger once post-war reforms ensured a more representative structure through which citizens could contribute to the formation of a national consensus .
8 The ISCSH said : ‘ By enhancing the frequency or severity of childhood respiratory illnesses , [ passive smoking ] could contribute to the development of respiratory disease in adult life among nonsmokers. ’ [ 4 ] .
9 Both objectives require the application of higher level knowledge to identify inconsistencies at individual levels , so it is possible that techniques developed for recognition applications could contribute to the development of text understanding systems .
10 Sense-based definitions of words could contribute to the subsequent overlap process by providing more concise , pertinent definitions and reducing the chances of spurious overlaps due to inappropriate but co-incident word senses .
11 As part of this study , it was additionally possible to investigate ( a ) a variety of domain-specific dictionaries and compare their performance with the general dictionary , and ( b ) the extent to which collocations compiled from one domain could contribute to the recognition of text from another .
12 Most Conservative opinion had long been opposed to the system whereby a trade union could contribute to the Labour Party a proportion of each member 's subscription , unless the member specially contracted out .
13 To conclude , close cooperation between providers of primary and tertiary care could contribute to the more appropriate use of dilatation and curettage and allow ‘ office ’ endometrial sampling to be performed by general practitioners with a concomitant reduction in day case and inpatient procedures .
14 Progress in this direction has now been achieved for a diversity of world areas and requires ancillary information related to climatic change and , in turn , when sufficient information becomes available could contribute to the reconstruction of world patterns .
15 She chose the Council because she felt she wanted something where she could contribute to the community .
16 When the Forum for Educational Research in Scotland was inaugurated in 1986 , one of the aims was to provide a way in which teachers and others working in education could contribute to the identification of priorities for educational research .
17 Because of the rigorous nature of fasting and bowel preparations before surgical resection of tumours , it seemed possible that these procedures could contribute to the hypocholesterolaemiac state .
18 These latter changes could contribute to the increased glandular content of digestive enzymes observed after ethanol feeding and may predispose the gland to autodigestion .
19 Secondly , high gastrin concentrations may induce increased parietal cell mass and acid secretion , which in turn could contribute to the pathogenesis of duodenal ulceration .
20 Macrophages and other inflammatory cells produce several cytokines and growth factors that could contribute to the early pathogenesis and progression of CFA .
21 However , one suggestion is that acquired human retroviruses ( such as HIV ) might act as superantigens , and that this property could contribute to the T-cell abnormalities they produce .
22 If CBP100 does play a role in assembly of active transcription complexes this could contribute to the different transcriptional properties of CREB and ATF1 ( 11 , 12 , 30 ) .
23 erm because basically the answer was because it meant finding erm making some new cash contribution to a hundred million word National Corpus for the nation , rather than , as it were , ‘ selling it ’ in inverted commas , the Corpus material which Collins , through the Birmingham University already have at their disposal , and the gap between the material that they could contribute to the project in kind and the erm role we wanted them to play just was n't compatible .
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