Example sentences of "could refer to [art] " in BNC.

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1 For example , ‘ assaults on opposing fans ’ could refer to a fist fight between two rival supporters or a massive chase involving hundreds of people .
2 ’ This could refer to a contract without any conditions whatsoever .
3 If you had it numbered , you could refer to a number .
4 other clauses could refer to the manager travelling and staying in accommodation of the same class as the artist .
5 This could refer to the New Age spiritual ‘ high ’ that some athletes attain through exercise .
6 To help with this you could refer to the section on listening ( p. 113 ) and look at some of the guidelines there .
7 It was as if the Cornell students were capable of ignoring surface structure , and could refer to the passage 's deep structure as if it were complete .
8 This could refer to the period just after July 843 , when the division was finalised , or , more probably , to a slightly earlier date , during the negotiations .
9 This pointer could refer to the actual address , for example , the cylinder , track and head number on a disk .
10 A sentence such as ( 8 ) below could refer to the past ( How could you have expected me to know the answers to those questions which you asked me last week ? ) , the present ( Why are you asking me ?
11 It it helps chairman er I could refer to the survey that we did erm of I think it was six erm industrial estates or employment er estates around the district , and they vary from modern business parks which are mainly office type developments through to some traditional and trading type estates .
12 I could refer to the work of our other G M B M E Ps .
13 His translation of magna socieias as ‘ large company ’ is far more probable , and it could refer to an individual rebel band which was threatening to dominate an area .
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