Example sentences of "who benefit [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Considerations that are given deliberative priority in order to secure reliability constitute obligations ; corresponding to those obligations are rights , possessed by people who benefit from the obligations .
2 In addition , we should consider whether there might be a link between the dominant ideas transmitted through socialisation and those people who benefit from the existing distribution of power and reward .
3 Those who benefit from the non-contributory disablement allowances are allowed to earn up to a prescribed amount , similar to the benefit , without loss of pension .
4 The Labour and Conservative Parties who benefit from the present system have set their teeth against a change which would undermine their prospect of regularly forming a government on their own .
5 Moreover at the end of the day those who benefit from the scheme will be Gujarats more powerful farmers : the poor will be worse off than ever .
6 It is a constant of any Minister 's experience — my hon. Friend referred to his experience as a Minister — that when a new scheme is introduced , there will always be somebody who did the same thing on his own initiative in the previous year and who feels that those who benefit from the newly introduced scheme are receiving an unfair advantage over the individual who took the real risk and did it himself .
7 For in the main it is our own parishioners who donate the goods ; it is residents within the area who benefit from the high quality and the low prices ; and it is Charlie and May who have found a vocation in later life serving both community and parish with their gifts of energy and time .
8 Governments attempting to implement change in this area often encounter entrenched organisational resistance from powerful providers and from recipients of services who benefit from the status quo .
9 He says in Mexico for instance there are communities who depend on it for their livelihood and who benefit from the sale of the wood .
10 Those who benefit from the help say it 's invaluable .
11 Of course to people like Mr. Tully who benefit by the British presence in the occupied part of our country ( a country which was partitioned against the will of the vast majority of our population ) the current whereabouts of Barleycorn is an unpleasant reminder that the Republican movement will not be cowed by threats from the likes of him and his cohorts in the Unionist parties in the failed political entity of Northern Ireland .
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