Example sentences of "who [vb mod] benefit [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The aims were to give families reproductive choice in future pregnancies ; to enable them to plan for the future with a child with a disability ; to avoid the experience of a prolonged diagnosis ; and to identify a presymptomatic cohort who may benefit from future treatments .
2 Requests are often received from Doctors , Hospitals , Social Workers , or from a friend or neighbour who knows of someone who may benefit from the service .
3 Smokers and ex-smokers make up a subgroup at increased risk for development of adenocarcinoma in Barrett 's oesophagus ; those patients with specialised type metaplasia and who may benefit from surgical intervention warrant regular endoscopy and biopsy whereas non-smokers are at low risk .
4 Traditionally , hill sheep farmers have sold store lambs to lowland farmers for fattening and it is the latter who should benefit from the variable premia .
5 Banks and buildings societies are perfectly within their rights to choose who should benefit from their special offers .
6 It 's this generation who 'll benefit from the new Europe ; a Europe that 's proving so hard to build .
7 If services were to be provided on purely egalitarian terms , all people who might benefit from any given treatment would be able to do so .
8 Try smaller local companies who might benefit from some publicity or for whom you could attract extra business or perhaps create an enduring and prestigious work of art .
9 So Dr Palcic and his team are developing a second test to help decide who might benefit from their first test — they are trying to determine whether a patient might have signs of lung cancer by looking at cells coughed up in his sputum .
10 Nursing staff , on the other hand , began to participate in out-patient team discussions and contributed at an early stage to identifying children and young people who might benefit from hospital admission .
11 These included giving families reproductive choice in future pregnancies , enabling them to plan for the future with a disabled child , avoiding the experience of a delayed diagnosis , and identifying a presymptomatic cohort who might benefit from future treatments .
12 Moreover , when Special Hospital patients stay too long , places do not become available for others who might benefit from a place and the result is large numbers of seriously mentally ill long-term prisoners held in maximum security jails .
13 Some districts have traditional NHS inpatient units and outpatient clinics , but these fell out of favour when studies of outcome revealed that they were not particularly effective and were not reaching a sufficiently wide range of drinkers who might benefit from the service .
14 Is it fair to pupils in allowing equality of opportunity to all who might benefit from what is offered ?
15 This is one instance where public managers have something to teach their private sector colleagues , who might benefit from the traditional training of public administrators in policy analysis and political science ( Chandler 1992 ) .
16 For he will realize that if this technique became popular , people who might benefit from new , forward-looking rules would lose their incentive to bring to court novel cases in which these new rules might be announced for the future .
17 Such polarities were evidently valuable aids to several generations of Wölflinn 's pupils who could benefit from his personal teaching as well as the rather more rigid theory in his books .
18 But there are many more thousands who could benefit from the club .
19 Unfortunately people who could benefit from some counselling are often prevented from doing so by their own injunctions .
20 It also noted , however , that the facilities presently available are inadequate to provide for the patients of all ages who could benefit from these procedures .
21 The second concession was to exempt from most GATT rules those developing countries who could benefit from preferential trade arrangements offered by some rich countries , such as the European Community 's Lomé Conventions , or by regional agreements like the Latin American Free Trade Area ( LAFTA ) or the Central American Common Market ( CACM ) , both established in 1960 .
22 Many psychiatric units now have no lockable wards at all and while this may be admirable for most in-patients , it has inevitably led to the rejection of mentally disordered offenders who require a modest degree of security and who could benefit from assessment and treatment in an ordinary hospital .
23 It will only be available to women in the first nine weeks of pregnancy ( that 's the only licence for which the makers have asked ) , so not all women who could benefit from it will do so .
24 The Labour party fears that somewhere there might be a single person who is also a millionaire who could benefit from a single person 's discount , so it is absolutely against the proposal .
25 We also need to foster links with the many special interest groups within the horticultural and botanical communities who could benefit from our specialist knowledge and experience , and from the facilities we are able to offer them .
26 May I , once again , ask anyone who knows of someone who could benefit from a grant to please let us know .
27 On the contrary , there is much to suggest that , in this election , Labour moved too far away from its traditional base ; that its attempts at reassuring those outside its ‘ natural ’ core of supporters meant it did too little to mobilise support among those who would benefit from its policies .
28 In the United Kingdom diploma-level courses are normally associated with either school-leavers or individuals already at work who are seeking career advancement whose academic qualifications are weak but who would benefit from an extensive course but one whose approach is related to skills acquisition rather than in-depth analytical studies .
29 Treating eye , kidney , and foot lesions early in diabetic patients can prevent blindness , renal failure , and amputation , and the sheer number of patients who would benefit from early diagnosis means that general practitioners have to play a part .
30 Systematic arrangements will be made to assess , provide for and review the health and social care needs of people with a mental illness who would benefit from support and treatment in the community ( Coventry )
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