Example sentences of "make a rapid recovery " in BNC.

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1 Britain 's mute swan has made a rapid recovery after years of poisoning by anglers , according to a census by English Nature .
2 Did the population remain more or less static after the dramatic decline in the second half of the fourteenth century , or did it make a rapid recovery from the first wave of epidemics ?
3 Meanwhile the patient , who has not been named , was making a rapid recovery and yesterday walked for the first time since the operation .
4 The world 's greatest jockey , 57 next Thursday and who won his first Derby on the aptly-named Never Say Die an astonishing 38 years ago , is making a rapid recovery following his spectacular fall from Mr Brooks in the Breeders ' Cup .
5 She just sat on the stairs eating biscuit after biscuit until , just before midnight , the telephone rang and she heard the voice of the surgeon telling her that the operation was over , that it had been a complete success and that Paul was likely to make a rapid recovery It was after that call that Annette realised that she had steadily munched her way through two and a half packets of biscuits .
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