Example sentences of "see ed [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Thai government has responded to conservationist pressure by announcing its intention to crack down on its illegal wildlife trade [ see ED no. 45 ] .
2 Under particular threat are the 1,700 remaining greater one-XXXX horned rhinos , native to Nepal and India , the 3,400 black rhinos of east and southern Africa , the last rhinos in Sumatra ( 700 ) and Java , where only 65 remain [ see ED no. 45 ] .
3 The report was drawn up as part of the evidence in the recently completed court case against Exxon [ see ED no. 45 ] .
4 Faced with accumulating evidence of rapid and widespread loss of ozone [ see ED no. 59-60 ] , officials agreed a complete phase-out of production of CFCs , carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloride in industrialised countries by the end of 1995 , and to stop halon production by January 1 1994 , with essential uses to be met by existing supplies .
5 It follows the launch of similar , but smaller-scale , networks in continental Europe , and the first ever group car purchasing plan , set up in Germany [ see ED no. 53/54 ] .
6 The Wildlife Protection Law was passed after sustained lobbying from environmental groups [ see ED no. 53/54 ] .
7 A prolonged period of low rainfall has led to drought conditions in much of the south and east of the UK , with the problem compounded by increasing abstraction from rivers and groundwater for domestic and industrial uses [ see ED no. 57 ] .
8 The move followed Czechoslovakia 's failure to halt work on the dam [ see ED no. 58 ] .
9 The land rights do not , however , extend to underground mineral reserves [ see ED no. 58 for details of British Gas 's activities in Ecuador ] .
10 Much of the detailed work on the conventions agreed at the summit was carried out at a series of four preparatory conferences , known as " prepcoms " , the most recent of which , " Prepcom 4 " , was held in New York in April [ see ED no. 58 ] .
11 This estimate is based on the assumption that the Protocol will be rigorously obeyed — a presumption which has been called into question by India 's recent refusal to sign [ see ED no. 52 ] .
12 This contrasts with ICI 's claim that it is " firmly committed to the protection of the environment , and fully supports the Montreal Protocol [ on the protection of the ozone layer — see ED no. 52 ] .
13 The EC Environment Commissioner has reaffirmed his intention to pursue objections to UK road building projects which allegedly infringe EC environmental directives [ see ED no. 52 ] .
14 The government 's decision to press ahead with the work , allegedly without carrying out an adequate environmental impact assessment , led to a threat of legal action from the European Commission [ see ED no. 52 ] .
15 The committee — popularly referred to as the " God Squad " — was appointed in October 1991 [ see ED no. 52 ] .
16 Environmentalists said that Mr MacGregor had been ill-advised , and pointed out that the Department 's environmental assessment policies had been criticized by both the EC [ which has threatened the UK with legal action over the matter — see ED no. 52 ] and the government 's Standing Committee on Trunk Road Assessment .
17 It was upheld at last year 's meeting in Noordwijk [ see ED no. 37/38 ] .
18 The treaty banning mining of the Antarctic for at least 50 years has finally been signed , at a ceremony in Madrid , several months after it was originally agreed in April [ see ED no. 46 ] .
19 The subsidies had been reintroduced in April [ see ED no. 47 ] .
20 The German government 's proposals for new regulations designed to ensure that most packaging material is recycled by the year 1995 [ see ED no. 47 ] , are meeting criticism from industrial sources .
21 " Permits to pollute " can be traded between plants , under a system initiated by the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA — see ED No. 47 ) .
22 A Russian Green Party was set up in May [ see ED no. 47 ] .
23 The International Water Tribunal ( IWT ) has told the Canadian province of Quebec that it should not proceed with its controversial James Bay hydroelectric project [ see ED no. 47 ] until a full environmental impact assessment has been carried out .
24 The principle of pollution trading was established in the Clean Air Act [ see ED no. 47 ] , and a pollution futures market is scheduled to be opened in Chicago in 1993 [ see ED no. 51 ] .
25 The Madrid meeting was technically the second part of the 11th special session of the Treaty conference , the first part of which had been held in Vina del Mar , Chile , at the end of 1990 [ see ED no. 41-42 ] .
26 The decline comes against a background of global concern over reduced populations of amphibians worldwide [ see ED No. 49/50 ] .
27 The dramatic improvement in breeding among Shetland 's seabird colonies [ see ED no. 49/50 ] has been confirmed .
28 The state of California recently announced stringent new regulations designed to cut vehicle emissions [ see ED no. 49/50 ] .
29 Last year , the Bank pledged not to support any further logging projects in rainforests [ see ED no. 49/50 ] .
30 It is similar to Germany 's stringent recycling laws announced last year [ see ED no. 49/50 ] .
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