Example sentences of "up at the ceiling " in BNC.

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1 The overseer squinted up at the ceiling .
2 Kebbel stared up at the ceiling .
3 She pulled off her clothes and left them in a heap , then lay on top of the covers looking up at the ceiling .
4 Regan gazed abstractedly up at the ceiling , puffing away at his cigar .
5 Karen was lying stretched out on the sofa facing me , staring up at the ceiling .
6 His stepfather was lying on his back , muttering to himself , his eyes oddly fixed , staring up at the ceiling .
7 She was lying on her bed , looking up at the ceiling , Smudge and Whisky curled on her stomach .
8 He lay in bed , for some time , and stared up at the ceiling trying to puzzle it out .
9 She lay in Charlotte 's bed and looked up at the ceiling that Charlotte had festooned with shawls and old curtains and Indian bedspreads ( there was a definite small weight in one of those hammocks : what lay there ?
10 He looked up at the ceiling as if expecting to see him floating there .
11 It did n't smash , but its beams were cast up at the ceiling , throwing a gauzy light down on the room below .
12 For a moment her father said nothing more either he just stood with his hands clasped behind him , looking up at the ceiling .
13 He cleared his throat once more and resumed staring up at the ceiling .
14 She looked up at the ceiling and shivered .
15 Rodo glanced confusedly up at the ceiling , half expecting the roof to collapse in on him .
16 He got to his feet , staring up at the ceiling , wondering whether or not he should shout to the owner to turn the volume down .
17 Dexter got to his feet , glancing up at the ceiling .
18 Rory looked up at the ceiling .
19 Jimmy looked up at the ceiling when he heard it .
20 The two women remained motionless , gazing up at the ceiling as if to trace the source and direction of the footsteps .
21 It has to be faced , said Grainne to Grainne , staring up at the ceiling where the shadows leapt and danced .
22 Bob lay in bed gazing vaguely up at the ceiling , which was glowing red in the light from the gas-fire , not entirely sure whether he was awake or asleep .
23 Her eyes , her beautiful eyes , were wide open , staring up at the ceiling .
24 Maxham stared up at the ceiling .
25 I called out that we were ready , but there was no answer , and when I returned to the bedroom I found her lying back full length on the bed , her eyes open and gazing up at the ceiling with that same vacant stare .
26 Felicity was lying with her head resting on the back of her chair , gazing up at the ceiling , her long legs stretched across her desk .
27 She glanced up at the ceiling once , as if in appreciation of the solution to a tough puzzle that she 'd been unable to crack without help ; the tile was still stuck in the open position , and Charlie was in no state to clamber up there and fix it .
28 She looked up at the ceiling , where one of the room 's many odd columns flared into the flat , thick , pale green glass .
29 Nadine 's voice was calmer now , subdued and contemplative as she gazed up at the ceiling .
30 Harry stared up at the ceiling and followed with his eye the pattern of the coving .
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