Example sentences of "can only [be] infer " in BNC.

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1 To get some ideas of the difficulties involved in studying the body clock — a structure hidden inside the brain whose activity can only be inferred indirectly by measuring the rhythms it is believed to produce — consider the following analogy .
2 In the absence of modern opinion-surveys , the motivation of Nazi voters can only be inferred .
3 It is because the attender is unobservable and can only be inferred from retrospective description that mental experiencing includes a strong tendency to dichotomize the ‘ I ’ ( attender ) from the ‘ me ’ ( self-description ) ; a dichotomy that parallels that between ‘ I ’ and my body .
4 The presence of a particular motive can only be inferred by working backwards from the behaviour itself .
5 The actual mechanisms by which such goods were acquired , that is by some form of gift or an exchange involving such things as surplus agricultural produce , rare local resources or finished products , can only be inferred .
6 Several spectroscopic techniques have been used to examine this effect for CO adsorption on single-crystal metal surfaces , but bond energy changes can only be inferred indirectly from these techniques .
7 The Brackenburys ' near neighbours , the Hansards of Walworth , probably also had links with Gloucester although , as with many northern families , this can only be inferred from Richard 's willingness to use them in sensitive assignments after his accession .
8 Beyond this the composition of the retinue can only be inferred , in itself evidence of the low level of ducal involvement .
9 This is likely to apply particularly to concepts , which can be understood on a number of levels , while skills are generally easier to specify as they are procedures carried out in practice and are therefore more " visible " , whereas pupils ' understanding of concepts and strategies can only be inferred from behaviour .
10 Whilst volumetric information can only be inferred , the full visual appearance of the solid object can be generated .
11 These allow the translator to use a chain of reference which is typical of English ( Your Majesty → he ) as well as avoid creating other chains which can only be inferred .
12 Because the only records of the ancestral forms are their fossils , without any soft tissues like brains and nerves , the brain structures and behaviour of such ancestors can only be inferred by studying their present-day descendants .
13 In the apparent absence of identifiable buildings , market-places can only be inferred from the presence of large open areas near the centres of towns , which could have served for periodic markets and fairs .
14 Elsewhere , depopulation can only be inferred .
15 His prescriptions can only be inferred from his denunciations .
16 The Brackenburys ' near neighbours , the Hansards of Walworth , probably also had links with Gloucester although , as with many northern families , this can only be inferred from Richard 's willingness to use them in sensitive assignments after his accession .
17 Beyond this the composition of the retinue can only be inferred , in itself evidence of the low level of ducal involvement .
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