Example sentences of "can [be] traced [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , difference theorists dislike the implication that everything about women 's behaviour can be traced simply to their subordination , and this resistance has a lot to recommend it .
2 The development of the television subgenre of the novelistic is not a completed form and may never reach classical definition , but it can be traced historically from forms of narrative inherited from radio , theatre and popular entertainment to forms more appropriate to the specific conditions of television .
3 The reason for this can be traced historically to the fact that research on creativity in academic psychology has formed a quite separate strand of enquiry from that originating in the early pathographic analyses carried out by medical writers .
4 And on the ridge of this endless mountain chain runs this strange chasm , for the most part almost 7,000 feet deep , which can be traced right along the backbone .
5 To Sulentic 's surprise , he has also found that the connection can be traced right into the central nucleus of NGC 43 19 — very much as we might expect if , as Arp has often suggested , high redshift objects are somehow shot out from the centres of otherwise normal galaxies .
6 It 's something that runs through mining folklore and can be traced right back into the lore of medieval German miners .
7 Hereford cattle have a long pedigree … they can be traced right back to the red cattle of Roman Britain .
8 Thus in the valuable Brockman Iron Formation of the Hamersley Basin , bands about an inch thick are said to be correlatable over an area of some 20000 square miles and even microscopic varves within those bands can be traced over 185 miles .
9 Consider , though , a case in which a given enterprise is unwilling to invest because of low expected profitability , yet this low prospective profitability can be traced neither to faulty managerial calculations , nor to foreign competition of a kind justifying protection , nor to the failure of an identified ‘ need ’ for the enterprise 's product to register as monetary demand , nor to internal competition from other enterprises operating a more intensive exploitation of labour .
10 The Mentawai Islands off the west coast of Sumatra represent the highest parts of the outer-arc ridge of the Sunda Arc and this structure can be traced northwards as far as the Indoburman Ranges in Burma ( Fig. 3.9 ) .
11 Perhaps it can be traced even deeper in the past — we can go back to the time when the woman first attracted the man whose child she will later bear , or to the onset of her menstruation , when her body signalled its readiness for pregnancy .
12 As the survey above suggests , some of the developments in recent British writing can be traced not only generally , but quite specifically , each major area of modernist initiative carried forward through intermediary writers in the 1930s into particular phases of continuing experiment .
13 But colonialism , the tensions caused by a feudal economy 's reaction to capitalism and finally the effects of capitalism itself have all been imposed on a social structure which can be traced much further back .
14 The medicinal application of herbs can be traced as far back as a Chinese herbal written nearly 5,000 years ago , and there are Egyptian papyri from 2,800 B.C. listing such herbs as mint , marjoram and juniper for medicinal use .
15 The garrulity of women — one of St Jerome 's first objections — clearly underlies the crude joke of Du Con qui fu fait a la besche , noted above , and woman 's moral weakness is apparent in Cele qui se fist foutre sur la fosse de son mari , a version of a tale known as the Matron of Ephesus that can be traced as far back as to the classical author Petronius .
16 Conceptual arguments in favour of employment deconcentration can be traced originally to the need to decant industry from over-congested conurbations to adjacent market towns ( Woods , 1968 ) and then to an acceptance that the extreme population concentrations of older industrial societies was neither economically necessary or inevitable ( Commins , 1978 ) .
17 It can be traced directly back to the anti-Dreyfusard cause of the late nineteenth century .
18 For Piaget , the adult 's ability to think logically , to manipulate symbols in meaningful ways and to solve complex problems can be traced directly back to the infant 's first attempts to make sense of her surroundings .
19 Rather than strain the reader 's credulity by indulging in equivalent flights of genealogical fantasy , I shall start with our Victorian predecessors , since most of the currents of modern social anthropology ( as of sociology ) can be traced directly back to them .
20 In the penny oracles of the press , however , there were bolder accusations as when The Daily Graphic ( 16 November 1900 ) confidently asserted that ‘ the pistol is the ideal weapon of the Hooligan … his love for it can be traced directly to the influence of the ‘ penny dreadfuls ' ’ ’ .
21 The next portion ( 11–14 ) can be traced directly to the lecture " Socrates and Tragedy " ( February 1870 ) , but the rest of the book ( 15–25 ) is a less tidy amalgam .
22 To expect a full grammatical statement of BSL after a research history which can be traced only to the mid-70s , would have been optimistic in the extreme .
23 The Pythons ' inspiration ( of the films in particular ) can be traced back , via the immediate influence of the Goon Show , along a line leading directly to Lewis Carroll and the whole English tradition of nonsense , parody and the mock-epic .
24 In Dr Clarke 's view , the origins can be traced back to 1924 , when Keynes published an article advocating ‘ a drastic remedy ’ for unemployment .
25 Surprisingly , the turning point that saw a struggling business transformed into a trendsetting group that has become a household name can be traced back to a Dutch merchant banker , who persuaded Conran to widen his horizons .
26 Hospitals were to become a setting later in the decade for ‘ Doctor ’ films , ‘ Carry Ons ’ and such tepid dramas as Behind the Mask ( 1958 ) , but the genre can be traced back to White Corridors ( 1951 ) where , amidst the routine romantic squabbles , and an occasional lecture on the working of the NHS , two strong stories evolve : a researcher develops a drug that will kill infections resistant to penicillin and his lover secures herself a registrar 's post against nepotistic competition , by skilfully operating on a patient her rival has misdiagnosed .
27 Fine Gael is anything but left-wing : its roots can be traced back to General Duffy and the Blueshirts who sent a division of soldiers from Ireland to fight for Franco in the Spanish Civil War .
28 The modern Letter of Credit ( or Documentary Credit as it is often called ) which is used in international trade can be traced back , at least in part , to the Travellers Letter of Credit .
29 Belief in the power of such plants can be traced back to the time of the Druids ; it was certainly part of the belief system of the Celtic peoples , and although it may not be voiced so explicitly as it once was , yet the custom of planting and preserving this special tree is still continued by some people .
30 The Donnington site can be traced back to at least 1291 , when it was one of the two mills of the Manor of Broadwell .
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