Example sentences of "can [be] traced [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The Pythons ' inspiration ( of the films in particular ) can be traced back , via the immediate influence of the Goon Show , along a line leading directly to Lewis Carroll and the whole English tradition of nonsense , parody and the mock-epic .
2 In Dr Clarke 's view , the origins can be traced back to 1924 , when Keynes published an article advocating ‘ a drastic remedy ’ for unemployment .
3 Surprisingly , the turning point that saw a struggling business transformed into a trendsetting group that has become a household name can be traced back to a Dutch merchant banker , who persuaded Conran to widen his horizons .
4 Hospitals were to become a setting later in the decade for ‘ Doctor ’ films , ‘ Carry Ons ’ and such tepid dramas as Behind the Mask ( 1958 ) , but the genre can be traced back to White Corridors ( 1951 ) where , amidst the routine romantic squabbles , and an occasional lecture on the working of the NHS , two strong stories evolve : a researcher develops a drug that will kill infections resistant to penicillin and his lover secures herself a registrar 's post against nepotistic competition , by skilfully operating on a patient her rival has misdiagnosed .
5 Fine Gael is anything but left-wing : its roots can be traced back to General Duffy and the Blueshirts who sent a division of soldiers from Ireland to fight for Franco in the Spanish Civil War .
6 The modern Letter of Credit ( or Documentary Credit as it is often called ) which is used in international trade can be traced back , at least in part , to the Travellers Letter of Credit .
7 Belief in the power of such plants can be traced back to the time of the Druids ; it was certainly part of the belief system of the Celtic peoples , and although it may not be voiced so explicitly as it once was , yet the custom of planting and preserving this special tree is still continued by some people .
8 The Donnington site can be traced back to at least 1291 , when it was one of the two mills of the Manor of Broadwell .
9 These stages , linked to the known planets , can be traced back through medieval literature to the ancients .
10 On active citizenship Labour has had little to say , although Labour spokespersons haves given support to the general idea of civic responsibility and the encouragement of a sense of community , which can be traced back to the nineteenth century traditions of civic virtue and community solidarity which are strong in the Labour party .
11 Using a principle of recession , Pynchon even suggests that historical plotting can be traced back through its superficial manifestations to the grouping of raw matter or to the genetic code itself !
12 But increasingly , doubts , some of which can be traced back to a general report on the supply of professional services by the Monopolies Commission in 1970 , were raised about whether restraints on competition in the professions are necessarily beneficial .
13 It is a church whose authority lies in its age and its preservation of a form of worship which can be traced back through two millennia .
14 In particular , the origin of the problem of the dating of Easter can be traced back to the Babylonians .
15 The idea of a primeval golden age can be traced back to the Sumerians ( c.2000 BC ) .
16 The germ of this idea can be traced back to the sophist Antiphon ( c.480–411 BC ) , one of whose fragments contains the earliest Greek definition of time .
17 It has for long been held that our modern idea of time derives from that of early Christianity , which in turn can be traced back to that of ancient Israel and Judaism .
18 The founding father of modern Mithraic studies , Franz Cumont , showed that Roman Mithraism was a continuation of the Iranian religion of Zarathustra and that its origins can be traced back to the Hindus , for in the Vedic hymns we encounter the name Mitra .
19 Its origin can be traced back to the Sumerians and Babylonians .
20 The origin of Islamic interest in science can be traced back to the closure by Justinian of the Neoplatonic Academy at Athens in 529 .
21 This instrument was known to Ptolemy in the second century AD , and — the underlying mathematical theory of stereographic projection can be traced back at least to Ptolemy 's great predecessor Hipparchus ( second century BC ) .
22 The different interpretation of positional signals by arms and legs can be traced back to their different developmental history , each bud arising at a different level along the main body axis .
23 In chart terms the band were new , but in reality their roots can be traced back an incredible 15 years .
24 The beginning of The Wedding Present 's Ukrainian phase can be traced back to a John Peel session recorded in October 1986 .
25 However , nearly all funboard technique problems can be traced back to deficiencies in the strong wind stance .
26 These attitudes in Christian tradition can be traced back to ideas which linked old men with the image of sin , and old age as a curse and a punishment .
27 Other breeds have colour-pointed varieties such as the White Galloway and White Welsh , but these are colour varieties within their breeds rather than separate breeds and quite often their non-standard colour can be traced back to crossings with White Park or British White in the past .
28 There were other polled cattle in Ireland throughout the ages : the ‘ maol ’ ( hornless ) types are referred to in traditional cattle-raiding stories which in some cases can be traced back to the fourth century , and remains of polled cattle have been found ( along with small , horned Kerry types ) at archaeological sites dating back three to four thousand years .
29 In reality , these devices are a form of laser whose development can be traced back to the post-war years and which have a wide range of applications beyond generating very high powers .
30 The development of the FEL can be traced back to 1950 , when Hans Motz injected 3 MeV electrons from the Stanford linear accelerator ( linac ) into a magnetic undulator , producing millimetre and submillimetre radiation .
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