Example sentences of "would let [pers pn] go " in BNC.

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1 Stopped me and told me he 'd let him go to St Francis Xavier 's .
2 He 'd thought that it was a nickname , that it meant nothing special , and they 'd let him go on thinking that way until he 'd found out different .
3 Joy-riders , I 'd let them go .
4 By June they 'd let them go !
5 ‘ He says there 's a place at Barraclough , if you 'd let me go next term . ’
6 ‘ I wish they 'd let me go . ’
7 And I remembered he 'd let me go out in the garden .
8 ‘ If I told my therapist that , ’ said Scarlet , ‘ do you think she 'd let me go ? ’
9 When I tell you the reason I 'm going you 'll wish you 'd let me go .
10 Oh , if only he 'd let me go with him ! ’
11 And there was catches on the chair and you used to be ab A lad used to stand there and he used to pull a lever and he used to level these catches and the tubs would run off and then as two ran off he 'd let it go and it would catch the empties you see then .
12 So he 'd let it go .
13 I 'd let it go by and
14 He pushed her again and smothered a deep laugh as he said , ‘ I do n't think they 'd let you go anyway , Lemon .
15 ‘ Do you think I 'd let you go now ? ’
16 ‘ I 'm sure he 'd let us go on using the park if you wrote and told him it was n't us who left the litter lying about , Guider . ’
17 Miranda thought of M. Apéritif last night , and decided she would let him go further when she next saw him , in spite of the lizard darting of his small and oddly hard tongue in the kiss she 'd allowed him at the door of the hotel .
18 Some momentary interruptions earlier by nearby geese failed to distract Jose Carreras , who carried on to give four encores , before the audience would let him go .
19 From the time that I was about ten , I used to look forward to Mr. Golding 's visits , for sometimes on never-to-be-forgotten occasions he would let me go down into the cellar with him .
20 Perhaps he would let me go there . ’
21 Then she would let her go , no ? ’
22 Ariel began to communicate with the strangers in English ; she told Kit about the hot springs up the mountain , hoping he would let her go there .
23 If only Ace would let her go to the pits to check for herself !
24 ‘ I should n't think Mum would let you go out with Edward again if she knew what you get up to , ’ Paula said carelessly .
25 ‘ Do you think your mother would let you go out with me for a day in Newcastle ? ’
26 ‘ Did you imagine even for one moment that I would let you go ? ’
27 ‘ Because no man in his right senses would let you go . ’
28 ‘ Dearest ghost , did you imagine I would let it go to that hag of a cousin of mine ?
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