Example sentences of "which be reflected in " in BNC.

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1 They are problems of poverty , inefficiency , and unemployment , which are reflected in other symptoms of backwardness , such as corruption and law-breaking .
2 Wage and salary awards , high interest charges , the rise in VAT and general inflation all add up to increased overheads , which are reflected in the price of a funeral .
3 First , there have been substantial improvements in mortality over this century which are reflected in increased life expectancy .
4 At the root of this divide , as Pugin and Dickens both perceive , lie mechanical production and the profit motive , both of which are reflected in many details of the drawing , and are summed up in the subject of the lecture , advertised by the ‘ Mechanicks Institute ’ , ‘ on a new designing machine capable of making 1000 changes with the same set of ornaments ’ .
5 There are many stylistic aspects which are reflected in this .
6 In addition to many research contributions in the field of fluvial morphology which are reflected in the books that succeeded Leopold , Wolman and Miller ( 1964 ) and were devoted to streams ( Morisawa , 1968 ) , to drainage basin form and process ( Gregory and Walling , 1973 ) , to water and environmental planning ( Dunne and Leopold , 1978 ) , and to alluvial river channels ( Richards , 1982 ) , there were also books produced by geographers dealing with hydrology ( Ward , 1967 ) and with aspects of hydrology such as floods ( Ward , 1978 ) .
7 Your sponsor may also need additional information to meet these requirements , which are reflected in a completely new application form issued by the Scottish Office in September .
8 Those of us who have been here since 1987 have a sense of fortune in being involved in the tremendous and dramatic changes in the world scene , which are reflected in the Gracious Speech .
9 The aim will be to evaluate the outcomes of the different social security systems and the extent to which these are determined by the particular value mixes which are reflected in their respective systems .
10 Many of the distinctive properties of polymers are a consequence of the long chain lengths , which are reflected in the large molar masses of these substances .
11 I visited Blamey 's house and studio in Hampstead and admired his highly disciplined and organised working methods which were reflected in the immaculately tidy house with its magnificent north-facing studio , built as a rear extension over two floors .
12 Accepting that qualification , I regard it as plain that the effect of an intervention notice cast in the terms which were here employed and which were reflected in a accompanying press release , must be most damaging to the authorised representative with whom further business is inhibited until ( if ever ) the notice is withdrawn .
13 Accepting that qualification , I regard it as plain that the effect of an intervention notice cast in the terms which were here employed and which were reflected in an accompanying press release , must be most damaging to the authorised representative with whom further business is prohibited until ( if ever ) the notice is withdrawn .
14 He argued that the distribution of Iron Age and Roman sites on the Grovely ridge near Salisbury suggested territories which were reflected in the later parish boundaries .
15 The Act set controls in advance of much of Europe 's , which were reflected in the Community 's own waste management framework directive in 1975 .
16 Most likely the introduction of a cult of worship of the ruler was responsible for this development , which is reflected in small objects as in large statues .
17 The first is that you have probably developed a very poor selfimage which is reflected in your performance during interviews .
18 It is this second view which is reflected in this chapter and the next , and in Chapter 11 on intervention strategies .
19 How these experiences can be reconciled in order to provide equality of opportunity to all under-fives is a fundamental theme which is reflected in this article .
20 In the structure of kinship which is reflected in British research studies — that of the white majority — considerable variation is found in the range of people who ‘ count ’ as part of the kin group for different purposes .
21 Second , there is a need for partnership between residential and field social workers , which is reflected in decentralised structures where joint participation in child care decisions is possible .
22 In theory the preregistration year is an integral part of basic medical education , which is reflected in the fact that the universities have statutory responsibility for this year .
23 Parsons believes that in the schoolroom the children acquire their attachment to the larger social order of adult society which is reflected in the methods of giving and getting encouraged in school .
24 Perhaps the first thing we can note about all three departments is the formality of the relationship between students and staff : a formality which is reflected in the teaching methods .
25 Each of us lies somewhere on a spectrum of ability to show feeling which is reflected in our behaviour .
26 He possessed a genius for friendship which is reflected in the many literary people who knew , liked , and respected him , from Arthur Waugh and Vyvyan Holland to Siegfried Sassoon [ q.v. ] ( a distant relative ) and the Sitwells [ qq.v . ] .
27 The banks and cuttings have been left ‘ wild ’ for so long that they are rich in plant life with tremendous variation which is reflected in the 60 different bird species that may be seen along the line .
28 The first was the traditional stance of discrete arts subjects which is reflected in a number of organizational structures in education , for example , the majority of initial training course structures , GCSE subject descriptions , most single art subject associations , etc .
29 The Board 's plans for 1992/93 include the introduction of a new Corporate Image which is reflected in this , our 103rd Annual report .
30 increase in crime in west Cumbria , which is reflected in vandalism , violence , intimidation of the elderly , intimidation of shopkeepers , ram-raiding and burglary ?
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