Example sentences of "from [art] seventeenth [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bishop Cosin 's original colours of the roof , from the seventeenth century , were discovered during the restoration and Ramsey had them brightly restored .
2 Cross-channel traffic between South Wales and the coast from Weston to Ilfracombe , with settlement of Somerset and Devon families along the Welsh coast , is attested in the parish records that survive from the seventeenth century .
3 From the seventeenth century onwards antiquarians recognised that the polished stone axes found at numerous sites in Britain were made of stone that was not available locally .
4 Lawrence Stone has put forward a highly influential argument that the eighteenth century saw the rise of the companionate marriage , and that affection between husband and wife was for the first time widely judged as important as economic considerations in marriage This argument has been widely challenged in relation to all classes by historians examining various kinds of evidence from the seventeenth century and earlier The belief that affection as an ideal of marriage was basically invented by the middle and upper classes in the eighteenth century has , however , led some critics into simplistic views .
5 This initial impetus is soon deflected into side-purposes , into the desire to explore the extent of the tycoon 's estate and — even more thrilling to Oedipa — to confirm the existence of a secret society from the seventeenth century to the present .
6 Along the cliffs are quarries where alum was extracted from the seventeenth century until the late nineteenth century .
7 It is a substantial brick watermill , and dates from the seventeenth century .
8 Ice-houses in Britain date from the seventeenth century , and many of the great houses had private ice-houses built in their grounds before the advent of refrigeration — some were still used well into the present century .
9 It stands like a phallic exhortation to the newly-weds living around it , but was a hive of industry once , dating possibly from the seventeenth century .
10 However , it seems that the earliest documentary evidence for any of the ancient herds is from the seventeenth century : in 1692 there is a record of ‘ wild white beasts ’ , twelve of them with red or black ears , in Northumberland at Chillingham , and in 1634 ‘ wild beasts all white ’ were recorded at Bishop Auckland park in Durham .
11 Baptist Union Library ( London ) Includes the Baptist Historical Library , and many histories of Baptist churches from the seventeenth century onwards .
12 British Architectural Library ( London ) has more than 400 metres of shelving of manuscript works from the seventeenth century onwards , on all manner of architectural topics ; there are more than 250,000 drawings and 50,000 photographs on architecture and topography .
13 The stalls , carved in cedar , date from the seventeenth century .
14 Now twenty-four important windows dated 1655–57 from the parish church in De Rijp , an affluent village of whalers and ship builders near the north Holland coast dating from the seventeenth century , are suffering from the effects of humidity and air pollution .
15 In any case , the land and time left at their disposal was steadily reduced from the seventeenth century as pomeshchiks and monasteries expanded their demesne and exacted dues in labour ( barshchina ) rather than quit-rent ( obrok ) .
16 The establishment of serfdom conditioned the way in which the relationship between State and society developed from the seventeenth century onwards .
17 Dating from the seventeenth century , it is said to be the largest antique one-handed clock in existence .
18 The Yi dynasty presided over Korean affairs from 1392 to 1910 but the dynasty was in decline from the seventeenth century onwards ; and Yi ascendancy was distinguished by a combination of exploitation , corruption and brutality in which endemic factionalism predominated .
19 From the seventeenth century onwards , much of this land to the south of the Wash was drained and it has been farmed intensively ever since .
20 from the seventeenth century onwards a version of the Manchurian house with hypocausts became widespread among the peoples of the Amur .
21 From the seventeenth century a whole school of economic pessimists , unable to analyse the causes , described the symptoms of this degeneration : depopulation , ‘ luxury ’ , monks , sheep , obsession with aristocratic values , too many schoolboys learning Latin , absenteeism .
22 Predominantly Russian Orthodox by religion although with a substantial Roman Catholic ( Uniate ) minority , Kievan Rus had been the origin of the Russian state in the ninth century and enjoyed an extended period of independence , but then came under Lithuanian , Polish and ( from the seventeenth century ) Russian control .
23 Even Italy , which suffered recurrent economic stagnation from the seventeenth century to the 1950s , claims to have overtaken the UK in the value of production per head ( with a population of virtually the same size ) .
24 The Pettingill family live in a house that probably dates from the seventeenth century when Jan Piers Piers ‘ the master of the dykes ’ drained this part of the region .
25 A Collection of Ranter Writings from the Seventeenth Century , 1983 ; J. C. Davis , Fear , Myth and History : The Ranters and the Historians , 1986 ; N. Smith , Perfection Proclaimed : Language and Literature in English Radical Religion 1640–1660 , 1989 . ]
26 A Collection of Ranter Writings from the Seventeenth Century , 1983 ; J. C. Davis , Fear , Myth and History : the Ranters and the Historians , 1986 . ]
27 Mathematics had long had , in the ‘ Arabic ’ numerals coming originally from India , and in the symbols which had been invented from the seventeenth century on , an international language of symbols .
28 From the seventeenth century , there had been specialized instrument makers ; and in the eighteenth century James Watt was one , who turned his mind to bigger things .
29 Despite the fact that the kanun thus in all likelihood dates from the seventeenth century , the biographical sources indicate that the principles , if not the details , embodied in it were at work in the late sixteenth century and very possibly earlier-as well .
30 Huge areas of open land were evident until enclosure from the seventeenth century onwards ; large areas of common , former royal forests and openly grazed rough wood pasture areas disappeared in early nineteenth-century acts .
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