Example sentences of "[being] carry [adv prt] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Happily , the message is also being carried back to Japanese manufacturers .
2 they usually involve a significant part of the work being carried out without close supervision ;
3 Research is being carried out through 16 months ' fieldwork , using the standard anthropological techniques of participant observation and intensive interviewing , in four sample fishing communities in the Gothenburg area , and in the offices of fishermen 's organisations and government bureaux in Gothenburg .
4 Formalin fixed wax embedded sections ( 4 cm ) of the colonic tissues were dewaxed in xylene , rehydrated in alcohol and spirit ( 95% alcohol ) , each step being carried out for five minutes at room temperature , then washed in cold water .
5 ‘ It also fits in with work being carried out at other research centres .
6 Further extensive tests are still being carried out on other samples but so far no trace of Miss Larkin , 24 , has been found .
8 Blacon has benefited from the Estate Action programme before with £1.5m worth of work being carried out on 80 homes .
9 Dr Zanda said that it was essential to agree common standards for any works being carried out on both shores and that an international statute governing the Adriatic should be drawn up to which all states bordering on its coasts should adhere .
10 The human mind — which , from this viewpoint , is the brain — is said to work on the same plan as a computer , with operations being carried out on physical symbols .
11 Tests were being carried out on suspected drugs thought to include heroin , ecstasy , cocaine , LSD and cannabis .
12 The pilot project is being carried out on three forces and an independent evaluation will be completed in the spring of 1992 .
13 On the telecommunications side , research is being carried out into high bandwidths that require high repetition pulses — a rate of 200GHz has been achieved and into Erbium-doped fibre amplifiers , which are a key component for future optical networks .
14 Perhaps the regrettable feature of the conversion of Shawell school — which is being carried out with great care and sensitivity — is the retention of the 1950s flat-roofed WCs extension which , almost gratuitously , fails to relate in any way to the form of the original building .
15 His trip was a mark of recognition for the humanitarian work being carried out in former Yugoslavia by 2,500 British troops in Operation Grapple and countless civilians co-ordinating and delivering aid .
16 To collect the data , surveys are being carried out in selected superstores and interviews are being undertaken with employees , managers , retail executives , union officers and job centres .
17 But now a lot of work is being carried out in this area ; in future the use of biological agents for control will be far more widespread and the use of chemicals reduced even further . ’
18 Experiments with lasers are now being carried out in nuclear physics laboratories throughout the world , revealing clues as to the shape and size of nuclei , for example , and providing a precision and sensitivity of measurement not possible before .
19 The project aims to make it easier to compare research already being carried out in these topics by IER and INSEE , culminating in the holding of a comparative seminar .
20 Trials are currently being carried out in 12 areas involving 62,000 properties to assess its effects .
21 Under the approved scheme , with work being carried out in three phases , our headquarters will be a building site for three years .
22 French was given priority in administration , education and broadcasting , little or no education being carried out in local languages .
23 Conflicts of interest are particularly likely to arise in firms that are companies because , even if there is functional segregation within a company with different activities being carried out in different departments between which there are Chinese walls , the knowledge of one part of the company will be attributed to ( ie treated in law as known to ) all parts .
24 The research is being carried out by 7 teams of 2 colleagues each .
25 The research will be conducted in cooperation with the project ‘ Subcontracting and the small business ’ also ESRC financed , which relates to the UK and is being carried out by other economists in the University of East Anglia 's Economics Research Centre .
26 Selwyn Lloyd objected to this procedure being carried out by two peers , Kilmuir and Salisbury .
27 As the closing date for nominations approached , a remarkable hothouse atmosphere prevailed at Westminster , fuelled by the intense media scrutiny and the active canvassing now being carried out by both sides .
28 The first new homes on the development , which is being carried out by Brentwood-based Countryside Properties , are due to be completed in the autumn .
29 In this chapter , using significant material not previously published , we shall , for the first time , give a comprehensive picture of the complex efforts which were made between 21–27 May to achieve a state of harmony between ( a ) the various conflicting policies and orders of AFHQ and ( b ) the policies and orders being carried out by Eighth Army IS Corps , in respect of both Cossacks and Yugoslavs .
30 The work to be discussed , some of it quite recent , has generally lain outside both academic psychology and clinical psychiatry , mostly being carried out by experimental researchers from neighbouring disciplines with an interest in the topic .
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