Example sentences of "at [det] juncture [be] " in BNC.

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1 More significantly , what needs to be clearly articulated at this juncture is the fundamental emotional structure of Nizan 's personality , the product of his family existence between 1905 and 1916 .
2 What it is important to establish at this juncture is Nizan 's systematic refusal to countenance any form of public criticism of the internal running of the Soviet state between 1935 and 1939 .
3 What needs to be stressed at this juncture is the fact that this historical moment , the focus of attention in this book , centred as it is on the literary production of an interwar French communist writer , marks only the first phase of development of French socialist realism , a phase characterised in the international sphere by an objective alliance after 1934 between Western liberalism and Soviet communism designed to counter the threat of fascism , and characterised in the French national context by practical collaboration between the PCF and bourgeois liberal parties .
4 What is important to highlight at this juncture is the attraction that such a possibility held out for the intellectual workers of the time .
5 The role of the novel at this juncture is seen by Brooke-Rose to be crucial .
6 Among innovations to appear at this juncture were such personal items as cups and tumblers , belt or girdle hooks , sword pommels and scabbard fittings like buckles and chapes , as well as bowmen 's rings .
7 The last thing she wanted at this juncture was to be under an obligation to Wilcox .
8 Nizan 's political stance at this juncture was a curious mixture of uncompromising denunciation and sweet-talking collaboration .
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