Example sentences of "at [art] fast rate " in BNC.

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1 It is this age group which is now growing at the fastest rate and the support of the sometimes frail ‘ old ’ is an important policy issue .
2 Even at the faster rate , it would take over 1300 years simply to count to the smallest of the above numbers .
3 This is because the increased supply of nitrogen may encourage tree growth at a faster rate than the amount of magnesium in the soil can support .
4 First , air traffic in the Asia-Pacific region is growing at a faster rate than anywhere else in the world .
5 Despite a rising demand for operations , the latest analysis of the waiting list shows that more people are being treated and at a faster rate than ever before .
6 Roberts , using statistics for 1960 , 1970 and projected for 1980 , shows how in six of the largest Latin American countries , Argentina , Brazil , Chile , Mexico , Peru and Venezuela , the urban population has grown at a faster rate than has the total population ( Roberts 1978 ) .
7 The trend there has been simply to pay off debt at a faster rate .
8 International factoring has grown at a faster rate than domestic factoring over the past five years but still remains only a small fraction of domestic business .
9 Smoking is on a steady decline among both men and women — but men pack up at a faster rate than women .
10 Duties are changing and accumulating at a faster rate than they can be successfully discharged .
11 But broadcasting costs are more volatile than other costs and also rise at a faster rate so that even a licence fee increase which keeps up with general costs is an actual real decrease in its total value .
12 It has so far only managed to produce a sample P5 running at 40MHz — just two thirds of the 66MHz speed Intel intended — and can not get the thing to work at a faster rate .
13 But , if annual incidence exceeds outcidence ( water enters the sink at a faster rate than it exits ) , then annual prevalence increases ( the water level in the sink rises ) .
14 Other proposed changes included the simplification of the various existing tapers by creating a single taper , which withdraws housing support from those whose incomes are above the income support level at a faster rate than before .
15 By careful study of these examples , the student will be able to learn , or relearn , material at a faster rate than is normally possible in the situation where the teacher is the only source of guidance and instruction .
16 Pulse-producing species improve the definition of their electrical picture as they home in on prey by clicking at a faster rate .
17 Not only that , but the beams appeared to be coming at a faster rate now — more than once a second .
18 The one at the front was sending out beams at a faster rate than the one at the rear .
19 They would therefore be bunched up and arrive at a faster rate .
20 Branson , he argued , was attempting to expand at a faster rate than the resources of the company allowed .
21 The result is that once those who are unable to purchase have negotiated their way through the labyrinthine and highly variable eligibility rules to achieve a place on a council housing waiting list , they join a queue which is growing at a faster rate than addition to the council housing stock and which in some cases even exceeds the total number of families housed by the district council .
22 For example , Hannan ( 1969 ) found that the number of young people in an area tended to increase outmigration , as the more able young left to follow the kind of careers not available in rural areas , though Grafton ( 1982 ) has argued that young people do not outmigrate from remote rural areas at a faster rate than their counterparts in less remote rural areas , and that any decline in such areas is due to lower levels of immigration , rather than higher rates of outmigration .
23 In every case the estimate of β was markedly higher for the period closer to delivery , i.e. volatility declines at a faster rate in the fifty days just before delivery .
24 Household formation is increasing at a faster rate than the population as a result of smaller families , increase in the divorce rate and longer life spans .
25 Media-only appointments increased at a faster rate than those involving creative and full service during the year .
26 With emissions of oxides of nitrogen increasing at a faster rate than sulphur dioxide emissions , nitric acid will increase in relative importance in its contribution to acid precipitation ( Lewis and Grant , 1980 ) .
27 Human activities are increasing the concentration of substances such as oxides of nitrogen , oxides of hydrogen , chlorine and bromine , to the extent that , through catalytic cycles , these substances may be removing ozone at a faster rate than it is being produced .
28 Revisions reflect our increased knowledge of stratospheric chemistry such as the recognition that chlorine atoms are removed globally by oxides of nitrogen at a faster rate than was once believed .
29 Males can produce sperms at a faster rate than females can produce eggs , and are therefore selected to allocate more of their time to searching and competing for mates than are females .
30 In the 1993 edition of its US Industrial Outlook , the Commerce Department in Washington is predicting that book sales will grow at a faster rate in 1993 than they did in 1992 , says BP Report .
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